
2012/08/06 – Limit of time will be April 13

Limit von Zeit ist April 13 it came like a spoken word... But there was no hint about the subject, nor the year or it it is something personally or globally Anyways, if something happen on that day in some year, we will know. It is very possible that "April" and "13"...

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2012/03/15 – May 6th. And May 9th / Earthquake(s)

May 6th. And May 9th / Earthquake (Month may or a metaphor for days in ? month"maybe") Those days were given. There is no hint about the yeat. But it spoke about earthquakes. Eventually days for big earthquakes in the USA Those words were given in english and that's...

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2012/02/18 – forsaken…

They (the children of Israel) have forsaken me but I (Elohim) haven't forsaken them  but I will make myself known among them My impresssion is that this points to the children of Israel. FIrst of alll I think is for the jews, but as well all the other tribes from the...

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2012/02/07 – Thankfulness is a key

Thankfulness is a key... but only a few using them the right way. Most people are going to doors where the key does not fit. But instead going to the right door (ask Yeshua for which door this key is made for) they tra to turn and turn as long until the key break - or...

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