Home 9 Distillation 9 What have you got to lose

What have you got to lose

What Have You Got To Lose


What have you got to lose following Jesus
It might be good to know
What have you got to lose following Jesus
Best take inventory before you go
Cause it might not be secure
After you leave your nets on the shore
Hand to the plough don’t look back anymore
So you want to be sure…

And what have you got to lose following Jesus
Better calculate the cost
What have you got to lose following Jesus
Might be something you’d be sad if you lost
Take a look in your garage
What’s in there is it real or just a mirage
Some things evaporate fast
So if there’s anything you really want to last then…

Think twice about following Him
You’ve got a nice life and you know it
Both feet on the ground
Heaven is up there you’re down here below it
And don’t you remember what He said
I’ve got nowhere to rest my head
Birds and the foxes have nests and holes
But I’m a fisher of souls
And what have you got to lose…
Lolo lo lo lo lo lolo lo
What have you got to lose
Lolo lo lo lo lo lolo lo…

What have you got to lose following Jesus
Ask your friends or your kin
What have you got to lose following Jesus
They’ll be the first ones to warn you about Him
Your reputation is at stake
Don’t be a fool for goodness sake
They told me to just go away
Broke my heart that day
Following Jesus
Lolo lo lo lololo lo lo lo
Following Jesus
lolo lo lo lo lolo lo lo lo

What have you got to lose following Jesus
Might be your husband or your wife
What have you got to lose following Jesus
Might be your children they put to the knife
Might be better things to do
The eye of the needle it’s hard to go through
Better calculate the cost
Might be something you’d be sad if you lost
Following Jesus
Lolo lo lo lo lolo lo lo lo
Following Jesus
Lolo lo lo lo lolo lo lo lo
What have you got to lose
lolo lo lo lo lolo lo lo lo…