Message 2025/01 Dreams, WIFI and 5G (Month 01) First of all a brief info for the video channels: If you had or have questions and write it in the comment section without receiving an answer, don't be offended, either I don't receive a notification or I simply have no...
Message 2024/25 A view into… 2025
A view into... 2025 A bit longer this last message for this year, so hold on. What do I know about 2025... nothing, or maybe something, nevertheless I will share some questions and incomplete opinions without claiming: "Thus says the lord" or "What god told me" about...
Message 2024/24 Thank You!
Message 2024/24 Thank You! (Month 12) It's not always so super easy to practice it instead just to read Ephesians where it says: Giving thanks always for all things unto Adonai and the Father in the Name of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach So I say: Thank you, ........– and...
Message 2024/23 (Month 12) Bye bye 2024
Message 23 Year 2024 (Month 12) Bye bye 2024 ...the year 2024 just started a few minutes ago, and in a few seconds it will end... AmaZing. Time is rushing by, it's actually hard to keep with. A lot of things happened this secular year, but I will not talk too much...
Message 2024/22 (Month 11) Black Friday
Message 2024/22 (Month 11) This message is possibly not very interesting for most people, but will bring it anyway. Nothing very special or spiritual, or maybe it connects somehow (to the spiritual), but it's NOT a prophecy or a biblical teaching. Well, there would be...
Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump
Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s'Election Harris / Trump Message 2024/21 (Month 10) I need to say that I am very glad to be far away from America – hard to say the correct distance, because it depends if you measure on a globe, a flat or a biblical earth. Anyway, poor...
Message 2024/20 (Month 10) October… completion of corruption
Message 2024/20 (Month 10) October... completion of corruption Note: I just made a message in Month ten of the secular year 2024, so why now another one? Well, first of all, sometimes I have more than one message in one month, but also, as mentioned, the last one was...
Message 2024/19 (Month 10) 666, Six hundred threescore and six
Message 2024/19 (Month 10) 666, Six hundred threescore and six Note: Now this video is a bit unexpected not a prophetic word, nor a typical message though it is labeled as message, but it is more like a... I actually don't know, maybe in the category undefined... what...
Message 2024/18 (Month 09) Law and commandments
Message 18, Month 09, Year 2024 Message in month 9, number 18 of 2024, not about the (famous) day eleven, but still also something, perhaps not very attractive and even somehow controversial. It's also not about the biblical fall feasts, not the rabbinical, where the...
Message 2024/17 Month 08 Germany
Message 17 in the year 2024, for Month 08 Note: lately I felt like to make a message about Germany, which is of course not a prophetic word, though it might contain some prophetic elements, and a dream, but this here is more like common sense predictions by trying to...