
Dream 2024/05/07 Another plague/ plandemic coming (!?)

Dream 2024-05-07 00:03 Another plague, another plandemic coming (!?) A dream that reminded me very strong of the Covid 19 dream I had Note: I can't say for certain it will be prophetic, but it was a very unusual dream and will explain a bit why I considered the...

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Dream 2024/02/09 Thunder and Rapture

Thunder and Rapture, a Dream In this post I want to share a dream I had some days ago. Before you click away and think it's just a dream, read to the end. Also ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you though it. I am not saying it is prophetic, but it has definitely...

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Dream 2023-09-01 Fauchi, Island, funeral and death

Prophetic Dream 2023-09-01 Fauchi, Island, funeral and death Note: I don't have an interpretation for this dream, Some thoughts about it I have not written down, but it is in the video that is linked. You can watch them or not and make your own conclusions. So, ask...

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Dream 2023-901-29 Two wedding dreams

Two Prophetic wedding Dreams 2023-01-29, 4:40am and 6:40am Note: As dreams can have multiple interpretations please ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding. I give you just one color of the picture at the end. Beginning of the first dream (around 4:40am): I...

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Dream 2023-01-24 Disturbing injection

Dream or prophetic dream, of 2023-01-24 Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, especially in the interpretation. Beginning of the dream: I was going walking and spoke with some people and a group of people about if they are vaccinated...

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Dream 2022-12-08 Animals, Aliens, Last (lost) Generation

Wild animals, Aliens and the Last (lost) Generation, Dream, recorded on 2022-12-08 at 6:47 (file date) Note: The dream contains of 3 scenes that don't seem to have a connection and even sound a bit confusing. But there is a relatively clear message in the dream....

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Word and Dream 2022-12-01b the Cup of sin, nothing new

Prophetic Word from 2022-12-01 around 10pm – Includes a dream that I had between, when I was in midst writing the prophecy. Note: For proper understanding, ask the Holy Spirit. He is more than willing to give wisdom to get the fullness of the word and the dream if you...

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Dream 2022-11-08 Faith beyond natural circumstances

Prophetic Dream, given 2022-11-08 Note: I have forgotten to write down the day, but it might have been on the 8th. (I simply chose that date) If you doubt that this dream is prophetic, ask the Holy Spirit with a honest humble heart and without prejudice and He will...

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