Home 9 Words 9 Word 2024/07/15 My Word and My Holy Spirit

Word 2024/07/15 My Word and My Holy Spirit

Prophetic word, given on 2024-07-15 ~8:00PM

As always, before you listen or read this word, ask in prayer so the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into deeper wisdom and understanding.

Beginning of Prophecy:

My word is written for instruction.
My people which are called by My name… some claim they live it, other pretend so, some do, but only a very few ask for wisdom to walk the walk in righteousness.
If you feel My word is too complicated for you, stay away from those who are labeled theologians, don’t ask them to explain it to you.
You will be only more confused by all their exegesis, but read My word for yourself.

If you want to understand more and deeper, ask Me.
The Holy Spirit I gave, so He can guide you into all truth.
From the world you won’t be able to find truth.

Now more and more false prophets and teachers are out in the open through a closed system (called Internet).
A very few shepherds are between the myriads of hirelings.
My heart is in great pain to see so many blind, who follow blind leaders.
Too many pastors and preachers claim to see, but they walk with their eyes closed.

When do you stop preaching man-made doctrines?
Jews and Gentiles basically walk the same direction, on two different roads, where none is the way I desire.
Obedience is better than sacrifice – many claim it, but only a few do it.

Your walk by the traditions of the elders ends in nowhere in the desert, and there it is almost impossible to find the narrow path.
A vast area of opinions leave you alone, to walk 40 years in ″bewilderness″.

Ordinary fishermen were sticking into theology deep in the dark as long the Holy Spirit had not transformed their lives.
They were with Me a very long time, and still after all what they saw and heard, their hearts were not able to understand.
It changed only from the moment, My Holy Spirit filled their hearts.

Nothing changed to this day.
So many people claim they know Me after they have studied deep into the scriptures for 10, 20 40 or 50 years.
I tell you, every little child that comes to Me with an open heart and the request to fill them with the Holy Spirit, knows Me deeper than all those who have heard from Me in their 10, 20, 40 and 50 years of reading letters.

Wisdom speaks praise out of the mouths of babies and infants.
These are the ones who could rule the world in righteousness.
But as you feed them with theology, religion and spiritual fantasy, even not to mention including Disney magic, their innocent hearts quickly get spoiled, and they will forget of what I have called them.
Why do you hinder them to come to Me?

You name it children’s ministry, kids program or Sunday school, where you give them a little bit of sour milk with a lot of sugar but not the real holy meat.
You think they are not able to understand complex things?
Yes, because you don’t understand My power and the teaching ability of the Holy Spirit.

Teach them what it means to love Me so they will keep My commandments and My instructions.
Teach them what it means to fear Me, so they will be able to reach the fullness of wisdom like King Shlomo (Solomon).
Teach them holiness in the way I am holy…
Though you will only be able to do that if you are a living example of holiness.

Will you obey of what I desire from you?
Until you don’t obey and do what I have spoken, you don’t need to instruct anyone about obedience.
And if you truly love Me, you WILL keep My commandments, all of them, not a cherry pick.
My word remains forever and in it you can chose if you want to remain forever.

End of Prophecy

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