
What is real

Melancholic classical style Music Title: What is real Version fast tempo Version slow tempo To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

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The Greatness of Elohim

Instrumental spherical music with piano, strings and pads Title: The Greatness of Elohim To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

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Stumbling and Rising

Classical style Instrumental music Title: Stumbling and Rising To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

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Rejoice and Surrender

Colorful instrumental piano music Title: Rejoice and Surrender Version slow tempo, only Piano Version fast tempo, only Piano Version slow tempo with Strings The complete title is: Rejoice and Surrender to Me in all the Shaking I never would imagine when I painted this...

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A nice etude in different variations Title: Pnoxy Version with only Piano Version with Piano and pads Version only with (a different) piano To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

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Enter the Rest

Abstract Instrumental music Title: Enter the Rest The complete title should be ...may not enter into the rest. It's a big difference if we enter into the (real) rest or not! To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover...

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Hear the sound of the Shofar

The Sound of the Shofar horn blown in nature with birds and bees beside a brook in a canyon Title: Listen to the sound of the Shofar Version A with brook birds and bees Version B (as Video) by the same brook yet no birds (the same as the one of the video at the home...

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Healing will come

Inspirational music like if you are on a flight over a beautiful landscape or in a space ship to the ends of time. Full title: Healing will come and You will know. Title: Healing will come To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover...

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Bring my people back

Classical music style with piano Title: Bring my people back Full version (fast tempo) Full version (slow tempo) Pur Piano Version (slow tempo) To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

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When I come tomorrow

Gentle music with piano, strings and pads Title: When I come tomorrow To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

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