Album no return
I figured out all the information I wrote about no-return disappeared somewhere in the jungle if bits and bytes.
So, what shall I say about that album when I could hardly remember what I had in mind?
The origins of this album are perhaps already 25 years ago…
But as much as I remember it was designed for a historical view of life
But I could say a lot with the madness in this world increased rapidly the last 10 years.
And this title could also hold up for political thoughts.
In many aspects we definitely reached the points of “no return”.
– with all military power there is no way, anyone would be willing to disarm their country.
– in terms of division between the people; the mainstream propaganda machinery already dug such a vast gap
between people, that there is no way (in the natural) to reconcile.
I could add many more and much more details on that but I leave these two
One thing is sure, once you are born, there is no way to return back to say we don’t want to be born.
There is a walk we have to go in our life.
Some people have a smooth journey, others have almost the entire life some kind of hardship.
Personally in my walk in faith I always think like that disciple who said to Yeshua:
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
There is no return to my old life and I pray you will turn to Yeshua and not return anymore,
until you are with Him forever in paradise.
And if you want to buy some of the songs in best quality, click on the banner, that leads you to the specific category for “no return” at Pond5 Songs longer than 10 minutes are not on Pond 5.