Album The Shepherd and The Bride
When Yeshua saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
He knew He was their Shepherd, a Good Shepherd.
But with goats and wolves in their midst making much noise, His true sheep were hard-pressed to hear the Shepherd’s voice.
Yet because of their love for Him they listen carefully in spite of the noise of other voices.
They only want to hear their Shepherd’s voice.
And He is speaking to them, and He is telling them that the Wedding is coming soon.
And they will be His Bride and He will be their Husband.
The Day is coming when they will come together with Him in unity and harmony and the great Feast full of joy and dancing will be upon them.
Then the Everlasting Honeymoon will follow.
You are invited to this Wedding and to listen to the Good Shepherd’s voice.
Let the music draw you to Him and be filled with the expectation of His Joy.
And if you want to buy some of the songs in best quality, click on the banner, that leads you to the specific category for “The Shepherd and the Bride” at Pond5 (Songs longer than 10 minutes are not on Pond 5).