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Message 2025/01 Dreams, WIFI and 5G

Message 2025/01 Dreams, WIFI and 5G (Month 01)

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Beginning of Message:
When I look into the video platforms currently, they are plastered full with the fires in Californication. Yes it’s bad and evil what’s going on there. And of course they are not natural fires, everyone with half an eye and a brain size of an ant, can see and understand. There is nothing natural when houses are turned to ashes inside out and metal melts but trees still standing. Remember the smart devices, how pagers can exploding remotely. Anyone who believe it is natural is brain dead or full with nanobots. Follow the money and you’ll know why (what’s going on). Actually, I have not looked up details, but possibly most prophets or profits used it for their benefits. Some might claim it even fulfilled prophecy. But unless they have given exact locations and details I don’t buy it. Anyone can make predictions and claim it to be fulfilled. I can say a volcano in Italy will blow when Etna goes on and off every two years or so, beside other well known fire spilling mountains, who are regularly “smoking”. And wild wires are going on regularly, like in Greece every summer, or earthquakes in Japan and so anyone can make prediction on wild fires and claim it as prophecy but it’s not necessarily. And we also know the amount of fires will increase in intensity and numbers (in the future), because that’s how the wicked people steal land.
And I am sure in about a week when it comes to the inauguration of Trump, all channels will be full with that and the fires… more or less forgotten. Or maybe another distraction arrives shortly before or right after the inauguration…

Anyway, this is not my subject here, nor do I bring a prophecy, but a message about something that drew my attention lately. I apologize when I will talk a bit more than necessary, but so it is. My prophecies are now without any personal comment anymore, but this is a message and I just take the freedom to talk a lot about something else and whatever, and perhaps a little or a lot about the subject, written in the title. But I will also give some information for the broader picture and a long term view of the subject, and hope you get the context. Other people might be able to share it with less words, maybe half the words, but I am not a public speaker and definitely have not the gift of a teacher, so be patient.

So, you may wonder, when you see the title: what have dreams to do with WIFI. Well, let me first go another step back in history… I actually don’t like WIFI, but I definitely loved real HIFI, just a letter away. The older folks might remember the crazy HIFI battle in the ’70s and ’80s when anyone competed to have the best sounding music system in their home to really enjoy listening to great, good music. And now… I don’t understand how anyone or most people today are completely thrilled with their crappy phone sound, some even in Mono. It’s probably like the music itself; the desire for good creative music seemed to have disappeared. Lately I dropped into some songs, supposedly Christian music, presented in a video, I only wanted to relax for 15 or 20 minutes with some background music. I actually could enjoy it only for a minute and then scanned through all the other songs that were on the list, thinking, this is utter crap. Then I looked at the description and there it said: “Created by AI” and I thought, how deep has Christianity fallen… the stuff that came out of my decent speakers. Yes, perfect music-theory with chord progression, modern arrangements, perfect pitch and timing, perfect mix, no flaws, whatsoever, yet no human touch, and more sterile than any clinic. Also everything without any creative elements nor artistic inspiration or sparkle, basically dead music right out of a coffin, and all songs sounded the same. I thought, if Christians also jump onto the AI train, there is no hope left.

Now you may think what has this to do with dreams or WIFI. Maybe not so direct, but let me go slowly into it, back to the HIFI days. I remember, long time back around the same time in the ’70s or early ’80s when in concerts there were these huge walls of sound system set up – speakers up to the ceiling in the halls. As I was in music I knew the hard labor even with a bit smaller sound equipment of my band, but compared to what we have today, sizable.

Around that time I had some sort of a vision of extremely powerful speakers, where you could put everything simply in a van instead the need of several big trucks to provide the sound for a concert in a big hall or even a stadium. Not too long ago I remembered this vision and thought, maybe the vision was prophetic, but due to my involvement in music and sound, my interpretation was possibly very incorrect.

When I look at the 5G towers, the speakers I saw in the vision looked exactly like these white cigar shaped or better say the oversize white “Kinder chocolate” pieces, I saw in the vision. Technically, loudspeakers transmit frequency and the stuff mounted on the death towers everywhere, do actually the same. Different frequencies, but frequency. So from what I saw was probably prophetic, yet I had no clue they will transmit very different frequencies. And the 5G stuff is indeed very powerful, just look at the huge wires that run up the towers, just in the vision I saw just a fat cables connecting them, where I thought, easier to have one big string, one big wire, instead 20 or 50 (or hundreds) ordinary cables supplying a wall of speakers – well, the difference, loudspeakers usually will only cause more or less health issues on the ears – except the wall collapse and speakers fall on people – -but, that’s another subject, but the same would be with these towers all around. Well, but from the 5G towers or these 5G frequencies, a brother developed tinnitus and certainly because of 5G while other health damage of 5G is numerous, including many shortened lives – and the mental disease because of them is even more devastating.

And now I switch from those towers now to WIFI, which I say is just the small brother of the Towers, with a little less powerful radiation… but still, relatively similar. Currently I stay in the very center of the city. Since I am here I have literally every night very intense and vivid dreams. In the small place where I stay, my old laptop can pick up about 20 to 25 WIFI signals, which is insane in itself. The computer gives me 5 bars that displays the strength of the signals. And I would say it picks up 4 or 5 individual signals per bar – so, 4 or 5 signals each level are 20 to 25 altogether, not all are full power. Anyway, the reception of my dinosaur is anyway a little bit inconsistent, or the weather has some influence on the strength, I don’t know. Clear is, I am getting bombarded with WIFI, including countless 3G, 4G and 5G transmitters on every corner in the city, some of them not too far away.

For me it’s clear already since many years, these towers or senders, whatever you name them, have not much to do with cellphone communication or broadband internet. That might be just a side effect use of these electric mushrooms. Their main purpose or purposes I believe is very different. Anyway, the amount of radiation is definitely insane here, and I can feel it physically in a very bad way – maybe it’s like sitting in a microwave – never tried that one (couldn’t find that big size)… that’s why I hope to get out as soon as possible to a location where I hope the next location will not be so much poisoned, in the sky/ poisoned sky, whatever .

I don’t need to prove it scientifically, but I know since years the amount of radiation has definitely high influence on my dreams, not only my muscles and nervous-system with the pain there, but all over the body. Though I am not a medical guru, even if I almost ended up working in a hospital, but I don’t need the medical system to be very aware of my physical condition and how it relates to food and toxic environment like radiation and the combination of them. (You can try it:) Put some certain food into the microwave, watch it and translate it the same way in your body, like a sausage, beans or whatever. Funny sometimes in the microwave, but not so, when the same things/effects will be in our body. Actually, I don’t eat any food made in the microwave, but I watched these things.
Anyway, I do understand technically how transmission of things like Radio and TV works, or worked in the past (maybe it’s different now, when some of it changed), but I also know there is always somehow a 2 way connection. Unlike in school or pulpit at church where the information only flows in one direction, WIFI communication is always 2 ways. Sometimes maybe compared to a marriage where the wife talks all day long and before the husband has a chance to open his mouth to speak, the day is gone and he goes to sleep – or sometimes someone talks and the other has no ears to hear – clogged for words.

Nevertheless, with technology we already know the level is further advanced than what public knows and that it’s (already) possible to read our thoughts. So while some waves scan the people, it is able also to send signals to them – very subtle and without them knowing, and less, to let them give consent. It is approved, everything what men is able to accomplish, they WILL do, regardless of morals or even laws. I n some places they don’t care about laws and less on morals. Actually, I assume the progress has not yet advanced that far that the masses can get manipulated by these machines with their transmitting thoughts – though I say it with care, because no-one of the ordinary people like me truly knows. But at least when 6G is mounted, I am certain, everything and all people will be connected and controlled in real time – and the control center in the pit of hell, somewhere deep underground.

Nevertheless, finally some thoughts about my dreams in connection with WIFI and probably also 5G which might be something for the tinfoil hat community, or maybe it is true. So be ready and grab your hat.
I shared already in another video the connection with dreams and WIFI, but herre a little biut a different approach.
My question is: Could it be, that exact the same information that is shared online and floats around by the nearby waves interfere into my dreams?
Let’s give some examples; when someone nearby watches porn, my dreams may turn very perverse, or someone watch a horror movie my dream go apocalyptic, and when someone watch news, my dreams become political, and so on and on, depending on which one is the strongest at the moment, when my sleep is ready for dreaming… my inner ear to receive dreams

Yes, I can’t prove it, but somehow it appears to me that’s how it is.
But let’s assume thought control by wireless devices is real, which I believe, what could happen?
You know, there are people who are called influencers on social media platforms with whatever maybe half a million subscribers or more, I don’t know. And let them be the christian prophets, preachers or teachers, etc. How easy it will be to use these relatively few voices (or many voices, I don’t know how many) and slowly and subtle twist their thoughts and minds, with the agenda of evil, and let them do the rest, to lead their followers astray basically. The secret services surely know who they are and where they live. So instead like in old days manipulate their lives physically or infiltrate churches physically with their own people, just target them individually very accurate (remotely!) with specified thoughts… and hammer that into their brains, so they will believe a lie. If there’s a name for that, call them “Directed Thought Weapons”.
Directed energy weapons are known and actually not conspiracy, because you can find official documents on that. Star Trek and stuff like that was not fiction, it just showed technology of the future – most Hollywood is basically, I say, predicted programming, to prepare the public for what’s coming. Only the universe and aliens in this movies are not real; is not what we have been taught in school or by Fauchi Scientists.

Make yourself the connection of thought weapons and stuff that cause fires where houses even build by stone will collapse, metal be liquefied or dusted, while trees will remain standing, just a bit dusty by all the smoke and ashes around. What can it do to our brain?… same technology!

And the main question at the end:
Are the thoughts of humanity not the greatest battlefield? It has been at least for the devil since the beginning, and now, with technology reaching the level to successfully manipulate anyone’s thoughts, without any for me known good possibility to defend, isn’t it then a desire and a way for the globalists, the wicked psychopaths, those who are deeply connected with the devil, to reach their goal of world control and dominion.
They believe very likely by or with technology one day, they will even be able to kick Yeshua out from His place, at least his influence on earth. When, actually, Psalm 2 explain his response.
Their goal is definitely to go against all true believers – no question on that.
How to do that?
Maybe the easiest way is, just manipulate anyone’s thought enough that they will blaspheme the Holy Spirit and it’s done. Or denying Yeshua persistently may also work, because, then Matthew 10:33 will kick in where it says: “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”
Very simple.

And now, if you are born again, signed into the book of life by Yeshua as your savior, and don’t blaspheme nor deny Yeshua who came in the flesh, died for our sins was put into a grave, arose from the dead, ascended to heaven where he sat down at the right hand of the power, from where He will return… then… you will be fine and the devil or his servants are only able to go against you physically. Whether they use bullets, smart towers or other smart devices, fire, water, knives or anything else to kill your body… After that they can’t do anything anymore, but still have the choice to repent or face judgment with eternal punishment in hell.
Well, if the rapture comes, before they have the thought weapons ready, then… they also cannot attack us anymore – and time will anyway be shortened.

I was just thinking, as scripture warned us in different places not to be deceived. But what, if we get deceived by the manipulation of our thoughts through technology, invisible waves we can’t see? What can we do?
I don’t have the full answer to that, but for now I would say, warn people about greater deception and bring them into Yeshuas kingdom as long there is light in this world. Also we can prepare ourselves in holiness, in prayer and by the word of Elohim.

However, I carefully watched my dreams and the influence by WIFI since more than 10 years and I am getting more and more suspicious but also more convinced. And this is the reason I consider the information by the signals around, they are interfering into my dreams, maybe not yours, but my dreams, in a similar way as what they are transmitting in that moment.
Maybe not everyone is that sensitive, but it’s just what I sense.
Whether it’s conspiracy or truth, as said, I can’t prove it scientifically, technically, biologically or a combination of them all, but it’s just my current conclusion.
I will continue to watch it as I am surely will move again to another place, before the rapture, before we go home (maybe 5 other places, I don’t know, hope there will be only a few left), before I find a place where I can settle down until He comes… hopefully sooner than soon – and then see, how it goes. I will keep you informed if I find out more or, how my observance continues.

So, enough with that, you can pray into this, but maybe it’s better to pray for the lost that they get saved before its too late, and also for enough laborers to go in the final last big harvest in Yeshuas Name.

End of Message

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