Prophetic word, given on November 23rd at 4:30 in the morning I finished sleeping and then went to the kitchen for breakfast. It started with these words that came forth out of my mouth: ″No one knows the day and the hour″ (Mt. 24:26/ Mk.13:32) then some thoughts came...
Word 2021-11-22 Come out of the circus
Prophetic Word, given November 22nd 2021 around 9pm You think you are under the 300 with Gideon? But then you dance in the political arena? There is no politics – this is a circus of eccentric egoistic pedophiles, first class money grabbers. Where are your prayers My...
Word 2021-11-21 Sowing and Reaping
Prophetic word/ Poetry given November 21st 2021 around 9pm (21:00) There we go - and reap what we (will) sow Today we sow - tomorrow we go You better pray today – and I will tell you what to say Don't grief about people who don't want to be with Me But pray for those,...
Word 2021-11-19 Human History vs. Gods History
Prophetic word received November the 19th 2021 around 7:30 during worship. Men write history books, then they twist and turn and manipulate almost everything. Then... you teach children in school all these lies and nonsense. You want also to manipulate My Story. Over...
Word 2021-11-18 Dominoes will fall… soon
Prophetic word, received on November 2021 the 18th at 11:50pm. Info: The word came late evening, I almost fell asleep while writing My son, you are going to see things you have never seen before. Days will be shortened, nights darkened and lives taken away. But you My...
Word 2021-11-17 Gates of Heaven are open NOW
Prophetic Word 2021-11-17 (maybe 10:00am) Info: The word came while trimming some kind of a hedge at a friends garden about 12 hours later I was able to write it down – (again some kind of a miracle for my weak memory) The gates of heaven are open Bring up your...
Word 2021-11-14 Not much longer! No truth…
Prophetic word, received November the 14th around 4:44 in the morning Note: The first sentence of the word in this prophecy looks more or less like the answer of the first sentence of the prophecy the day before (Nov.13th) And some in this word sounds very much in the...
Word 2021-11-13 Not much longer? Children reign
Prophetic word, given November 13th 2021 around 10pm Info: It came some time after that electricity shortcut of some main wires just 2 blocks away. Do you think all of this will continue much longer? Then you err. You heard the ″fireworks″ a little while ago? Yes,...
Word 2021-11-12 BIG change is coming
Prophetic Word 2021-11-12 6:50(am) I received it on November the 12th 2021 around 6:50, Maybe 15 minutes after I finished writing down the prophetic poetry, that I received just a bit earlier Look at the sky, do you see? A change is coming (of the weather) But bigger...
Prophetic Poetry 2021-11-12 Yeshua reigns forever
Prophetic Word, Poetry 2021-11-12 6:15 I received it on November the 12th 2021 around 6:15 in the morning Forever I will rule and reign While the world is going mad and insane All they're running to and fro in vain But I AM; and always be the same Remember Job, his...