Prophetic Word, received on December 28th 2021 around 1pm.
More plans, more evil, more darkness.
More glory, more truth, more light.
The tipping point has passed.
The waves of the ocean are breaking.
And those under the waves will drown.
Even those on their surfboards of wealth and pleasures will be swallowed up.
Some are watching from the shore, others from further out in the sea.
One group will be ashamed the other group in shock.
Who will be left?
Is there anyone who does not participate in one of these 3 groups?
Anyone else somewhere around?
A very small remnant is gathered together at the top of the mountain.
They don’t move, they remain on the rock.
Standing in anticipation for the Glory to fall.
The fire, that will lick the water off.
The ones drowned (will be found) on the ground.
The others still standing in even greater shock and the next (are) smoked.
A memorial will be built.
But before it is finished it will be no more.
Where are you My sons and daughters?
Put your shoes on and go into the harvest.
You say, we can’t go with all the traveling restrictions…
Who said you need permission to go to your neighbors?
My Fire and Glory will travel and burn the feet of the wicked that they can’t move anymore.
Go – But you go and I will be with you!
I have a big harvest to bring into My barn, into My Kingdom.
Silver and gold you don’t need – My priestly garments with My sword is enough for the mission impossible, that will be turned into a celebration of possibilities.
Let My Ruach (Holy Spirit) be enough to guide you, but go!
Don’t think so much about the ″what’s, if’s, when’s or but’s″.
But trust that I will do (through and with you) what needs to be done for My kingdom to come.
And I am coming quickly.
Pick up your staff and follow Me.
I showed you the way and truth to life.
Walk with Me and see how I will confirm My Word with things impossible.
You can’t sleep and walk at the same time.
Let the wicked be wicked and drown in their own wickedness.
But for you My children, be Holy as I am Holy.
I am about to separate the touchable from the untouchable.
Let My grace and mercy be sufficient enough.
Go…. Go….. Go…..
My Love will make the difference and will separate the day from the night.
Scripture to the word:
Revelation 18/ James 5:3
Matthew 10:9
Acts 3:6
John 4:35
Mark 10:21
Mark 16: 15-18
2 Corinthians 12:9
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