Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – “exposed″

Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – “exposed″

Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – ″exposed″ Month 01 This message may sound a bit controversial, coming from someone who post prophetic words (online). Well, I will start actually with a true story, quiet some years back: READ MORE There was a woman who followed...
Dream 2023-01-24 Disturbing injection

Dream 2023-01-24 Disturbing injection

Dream or prophetic dream, of 2023-01-24 Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, especially in the interpretation. Beginning of the dream: I was going walking and spoke with some people and a group of people about if they are vaccinated...
Dream 2022-12-08 Animals, Aliens, Last (lost) Generation

Dream 2022-12-08 Animals, Aliens, Last (lost) Generation

Wild animals, Aliens and the Last (lost) Generation, Dream, recorded on 2022-12-08 at 6:47 (file date) Note: The dream contains of 3 scenes that don’t seem to have a connection and even sound a bit confusing. But there is a relatively clear message in the dream....