Message 2024/17 Month 08 Germany

Message 2024/17 Month 08 Germany

Message 17 in the year 2024, for Month 08 Note: lately I felt like to make a message about Germany, which is of course not a prophetic word, though it might contain some prophetic elements, and a dream, but this here is more like common sense predictions by trying to...
Dream 2024/05/07 Another plague/ plandemic coming (!?)

Dream 2024/05/07 Another plague/ plandemic coming (!?)

Dream 2024-05-07 00:03 Another plague, another plandemic coming (!?) A dream that reminded me very strong of the Covid 19 dream I had Note: I can’t say for certain it will be prophetic, but it was a very unusual dream and will explain a bit why I considered the...
Message 2024/12 Drones and Dreams

Message 2024/12 Drones and Dreams

Message 12/2024, Month 05 This message was a bit delayed as Internet broke. I hope this modern surveillance radiation technology, made in China will not break again. However, one day, it might not be possible to share the way the truth and the life – so a little...
Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – “exposed″

Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – “exposed″

Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – ″exposed″ Month 01 This message may sound a bit controversial, coming from someone who post prophetic words (online). Well, I will start actually with a true story, quiet some years back: READ MORE There was a woman who followed...