Dream of 2025-01-26 @night
This dream is not deeply prophetic, at least not like those who talk about politics, future events, the rapture or such things, but it still might be interesting to see some connections to John 9:4.
And I just roughly share it including some of my thoughts, where you may keep in mind interpretations can vary and even many of them can be correct at the same time.
Beginning of dream:
Now in the dream I was collecting firewood to put it on a trailer. And I was there with my dad. It was a green pretty old tractor trailer not very big, one axle with big wheels. (the picture shows such a type of a trailer)
The wood was very dry and all in long trunks, like from one up to maybe four meters or perhaps a bit more, diameter 10 to 20 cm so like legs. The longer ones were definitely too long to fit onto the trailer. Many of them were so dry they already broke in half or a few more pieces, when I threw them on the ground. But still too long, as we wanted to have them almost ready in firewood size before loading. With us we had some sort of an battery driven electrical saw, whatever type or system it was, I don’t know.
The whole scene was near the village where I grew up, down in the valley, maybe a kilometer distance from home. The vehicle to pull the trailer was a red Volkswagen Passat which my dad owned in real life (here’s the picture)
(Info: the red cap on the tow bar is for protection of the ball)
, and this one had a tow bar. The only difficulty, that the tow coupling of the trailer was such a truck-connector, an o-ring type and the car had the ordinary ball. But somehow I knew this ring was big enough to fit around the ball and we would just fix it somehow, so it would not slip, but also included to load the trailer the way, for more weight will press down on the front (of the trailer). By that we would surely be able to make it that short trip (distance) up the hill. We even did not consider to connect the electric for the lights of the trailer, which were probably anyway two different systems, if it existed at all (on that old trailer). I have not looked up, but this was my Dads advise, because for this relatively remote village and the short distance, no one would care, or ask about it anyway. And not connecting the lights, we mainly wanted to make sure we wanna finish before it gets night (deep night).
End of Dream / beginning of interpretation and personal opinion
Sounds nonsense, but there is something in it that could be a reminder for us.
Some symbolism I understood clearly in the dream, even while dreaming I knew, my Dad represents the Father in Heaven. The red car… Passat is the name for a permanent east-to west wind or tropical storms that flows in the equatorial region, in English called trade winds or easterlies you can look up for more details…
I felt like, this car represents the Holy Spirit. This regular car towing a tractor trailer might be a bit under motorized, especially uphill (this VW was a 68hp Diesel, so not the strongest), but we may feel often the same, personally. But with the Holy Spirit we can get the power to perform beyond of what we would otherwise in the natural be able to do.
If Volkswagen has also a meaning I can’t say. (“Volk” means people and “wagen” means automobile) And also don’t know what a green tractor trailer could represent, I have no idea, maybe it has no special meaning, and just serves the dream.
Anyway, so there am I working with my heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit who might represents enough power to get the job done.
We possibly did some preparation work for the coming winter with firewood to keep warm, or it can also symbolize the fire we need in the last days, when darkness falls upon the entire world until it’s that dark that we can’t work anymore (its already pretty dark in the world).
And John 9:4 says I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work.
And indeed, we wanted to finish before the night (in the dream).
And hopefully we can finish our work for Yeshuas Kingdom, before we can’t work anymore
Old dry wood that lies around might represent work from old days, all the things, where people who were before us, have not finished.
I could not remember any of the wood that we found there, even close from being fresh.
But at least there would be no reason to dry the old wood before it can be burned – we just need to chop these trunks in the right size, and drop them in the fire, and here we go…
There is an idea about what it could mean not to connect the electricity of the trailer (if it would have been even possible, I don’t know). To connect the lights of a trailer properly to a car is a legal requirement, we all know that – also for safety. It might be long fetched, but just my thought on that; could it be that because of the short distance which means also short time, short season we have, we better focus on the work to be finished, instead focus on all the legalistic requirements. Not that we should do illegal actions in this world, that could harm other, but it could mean not to connect to the Babylonian system into our work for the Kingdom, or have a spiritual connection with this world.
I am not sure what the green old tractor trailer or the connection of the different hitch systems could symbolize. It might be, that we have to find unconventional ways to get our work for Yeshuas Kingdom done (you can drop your own ideas into it or just keep it for yourself).
I don’t know how much longer we have until the night comes. Very much not a lot of time.
Okay, let’s work for Abba and get the things done as long its possible…
Just consider the year 2030 is only 5 years away. The year all the psychopaths of the ruling class love so much. And time is flying by, very, very fast… just a short distance now before we are home!
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