Prophetic Word, given on 2025-01-28 around 3:00AM
This word is quite full with metaphors, figurative elements and parables, so the more, please ask prayerful that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all things with the ability to read in the spiritual realm between the lines.
Beginning of Prophecy:
A place in heaven, a place in hell. Where oh men, you want to go?
I have prepared a place in heaven and there is enough space, far beyond the amount the population of a thousand worlds. It’s a paradise, a real paradise, a garden of beauty beyond your imagination.
Its not like a paradise, some places on earth are labeled with a sandy beach and people walking there almost naked around, and spend their evenings and nights in clubs of perversion attached to this fake paradise. Not a paradise in the mountains with competition of garbage distribution all over, and displays talk about nature and plants without mentioning the corruption that are carried along the tracks to the very pinnacle of pride. No, My paradise for you is not possible to describe in human words, regardless which language you use. And it’s more than just a place to dwell.
You oh men tried to fly to the moon I placed in the firmament, but even don’t know what it is. Yet you fly to and fro to visit the fallen ones, dark orbs under My feet, luminaries, once great in light and splendor but by rebellion darkened with hearts colder than ice and hate in their wings. They have left their place and wander around in circles under heaven, talking with the deceiver to deceive men.
Fools who call themselves wise and scientists, invest most their time and effort and wealth to explore these territories, trying to build back a better future, using distractive destruction’s, all the while they are not even able to keep peace in their own house, and less with their neighbors. You look with your corrupted telescopes up to the sky but all you see is only a blurry image of My glory above the waters. A drop in the ocean is all you see in the vastness of the ocean. But with tooth and nail you fight against My simple truth, twist and turn it around and cover everything with lies, so to give men a hard time to see.
My word is not in an endless universe or across the sea, but it’s right before and in your face. But stricken in blindness by deception of men, who dedicated their lives to serve for the enemy of your soul, you believe their lies. If you would be willing to see the blood on your hands and repent, I could wash it all away and open your eyes to see the truth. I would love to show you all the glory of My word and enable your heart to look beyond the waters.
If you oh wicked men would not kill your babies and sucklings I could show you the praise out of their innocent mouth, of how they glorify My holy name. But you don’t let little children come to Me because you say, these little ones are unlearned and don’t understand enough. But you, oh fools, scribes and pharisees and alike, you are the ones who don’t understand. Your pride and arrogance completely blinded you for My truth. You, religious leaders should learn from the little children. But sadly too many of you, instead, have abused them in one way or the other, or even killed them.
You cast stones against sinners, against all those who don’t accept your twisted opinions about My creation, grace, mercy and true salvation. You cast rocks even against the innocent, those who worship Me deep within their pure hearts, only because they pronounce My Holy Name properly or in their immature mouth and tongue not the way according to your definition. Oh scribes and pharisees, you are afraid to spell My name, but have no real fear of Me, using titles and labels for My Holy Name, because your hearts are full with unholy filth behind your white washed tombs, and above it, your twisted tongue is like the one of the serpent.
You, who call yourself teachers of My word or rabbis. You bind My word before your head or carry it on stage with great rhetoric, but only letters proceed out of your mouth. And you hide, that inside you are full with dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Cleanse first you heart with My blood, before you teach others how My word should truly be written on your forehead.
My word should be constantly before you, in and between your eyes and thoughts and not only outside as a symbol, either a black box or as a book or plastic tool near your face. You pull forth verses and recite phrases out of your brain, but that doesn’t bring you closer to Me and because of your arrogant pride I distance Myself from you. I wish you would have My word always in your mind, between your eyes and prostrate with your hearts wherever you go and whatever you do. If you would keep My word, with My commandments honestly between your eyes, you would love your neighbor and I would open your eyes to see, that obedience is better than sacrifice. Yes, I desire also your sacrifice, but a sacrifice of love and not of babies, orphans and widows.
When do you stop learning religion, instead learn real relationship? True relationship starts and ends with Me and not with books, letters and deeds. Put away your books and activities, sit down at My feet and learn from Me. You don’t need to run around like Martha from seminary to seminary or from one teaching to the other all the time. Sit down like Maryam, be still and know that I am God, the Elohim of Avraham, Yzchak and Yaacov, the only living God who never change with time or trends.
Let Me tell you when you should sit down and listen and when to get up and go to tell your neighbor about My love, righteousness and judgment – do it as soon your hearts are filled with My compassion and wisdom, but don’t deceive yourself with religion, and go back to your books, trying to figure out who your neighbor might be. If My cross is burned between your eyes, it will cause you to truly keep My commandments, while My Holy Spirit leads you into all truth. With My fire upon your head, My word and cross between your eyes, you shall be set free to seek My kingdom first. Not that I don’t want, or deny you to look into books, those, that speak in truth about My truth, but before and above that, look into My book of life and search, if your name is written there. If you can’t find it, you better sit down again and listen to My voice instead running around in circles or dance with fairy tales of books and theology. But if you see your name is inscribed in My book by My blood, go and tell others about the wonders of grace with great love to all your neighbors, also those, who appear strange and difficult for you. If you love Me, keep My commandments, and if you love your neighbor as you love yourself you have kept My commandment.
Heaven is waiting not for you alone, but also for your enemies, those who hate you for no reason, because they hated me first for no reason. Yes, one day, I will shut the door of the ark for them, and the consequences of their hate will fall back upon them. But as long there is a little light, listen to My words and when I say, Go! then go and proclaim the good news of the only way to heaven and eternal life, the good shepherd.
Books and letters will not bring you to heaven with eternal life, regardless how many you have stored in your brain, and they also will not bring your neighbor and your enemy into My kingdom. If you have no legs to walk and no voice to preach, then bring your neighbors and your enemies before Me in your fervent prayers, so I will know to whom I shall go or send someone, to show My cross before and between their eyes.
I am able to let animals or even stones speak. But there are those who don’t listen to Moshe and the prophets, who constantly spoke about Me and what I have done at the cross, even long before I went there. These people are the ones who will also not listen to you if I would give you legs with a staff to walk, or a mouth to speak in My name, nor will they listen to the ones who raise from the dead. I rose from the dead and many refused to listen to Me throughout the last 2000 years. And still the same to this day, even if I visit them personally; some of them never listen to My words. Their clogged ears, blinded eyes and hardened hearts have sealed their eternity, regardless your words, even if you would preach to them every day from morning til evening about My grace and mercy, repentance, forgiveness, heaven and hell.
But I will respond to your prayers if you pour out your heart before Me for your neighbor and your enemies to give them another chance to see and end in that place I prepared in heaven, a place beyond human comprehension. If your prayers have reached My throne, you have preached to them. I don’t want anyone to perish, but anyone to have eternal life and not to end up in the place I prepared originally only for the devil and his angels, old cold planets who have exchanged their glory with rebellion. Whether you name it hell, lake of fire or whatever, doesn’t matter. It’s also a place beyond your comprehension. No human imagination is able to capture the dark reality of hell. The human metaphor of hell on earth will come upon the entire world in the last days. But even at the end of time in the days of Noach, all disasters combined together is but a picnic in the park compared to hell. A picnic is temporary, hell is forever.
And this place of torment is small, very small. Not one single person on earth would like to live in such a tiny chamber. A packed full rock concert on earth feels like a vast empty field to move around, compared to hell, where your soul will be bound in chains of thorns. There you will feel what I did and how I tried to rescue each and every soul from eternal damnation. If you have rejected My sacrifice as King of kings with the crown of thorns I wore at the cross, you have rejected also My glory and these chains will cause you a similar pain. Your sins that I carried there at the cross will fall back upon you, if you don’t repent before its too late.
On the other side, heaven on earth does not exist, there is nothing that can be compared to real heaven. The greatest beauty in the most peaceful place on earth is less than a tiny drop of water in the ocean, a fraction of an atom.
A place in heaven, a place in hell. Free will I have given you to chose your future destiny. The end of your life on earth is the final seal for all eternity. The decision you can only make until your last breath.
There is a wall between heaven and hell, unbreakable, stronger than the firmament, which I have placed upon earth for protection from the waters above. It’s like solid glass, but one day in time by My blazing heat, it will melt and become fire to be rolled away together with the earth, to make room for a new heaven and a new earth. But the separation wall between My beloved in heaven, those who walked with Me in persistent repentance and the unrepentant souls in hell shall never be removed. No-one will ever be able to go back and forth from one side to the other. Even the time for the accuser of the brethren will arrive when he will not be able to stand before Me anymore, and bring any charges or false accusations of anything or anyone. Like Pharaoh who, one day, was not able to see the face of Moshe anymore, so the devil, one day, will never see My face again.
He knows it, and he also knows his time to deceive the earth is very short. His days are numbered, and because of it the amount of deceptions in these last days will increase rapidly. Don’t think with the new king, deceptions and lies will become less. No way. I warned you about it and you better prepare yourself with My armor of righteousness. Regardless how peaceful and safe the earth seem to look or become, don’t be deceived, because sudden destruction is waiting already behind the curtain. And with that, a lot of people who have no more time to make a decision for eternal life with Me in heaven. Eternal life in heaven or eternal death in hell, two places are prepared, both for ever and ever.
End of Prophecy
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