Prophetic Word, given on 2025-01-24 (4:00AM)
This one is a bit less cryptic than the last one.
Please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables.
Beginning of prophecy:
For those how have eyes to hear, the Word of Truth is One. Many gods in this world utter their propaganda and lies. Gods in politics, gods in economy, gods in education, gods in religion, gods in entertainment, gods in white coats, gods who fill the airwaves and pollute the sound of harmony with their snake venom, giving their praises to the master in the belly of the deep dark pit. Bow down, bow down they shout synchronized with their twisted tongues, in a language of subtle deception. The urge in their mouth is convincing like as the snake in the garden who was able to allure Chavah to eat the forbidden fruit and more so, that she was able to compel Adam to do likewise. The bite of separation was taken and the consequences caused a lot of pain, to this very day. A word by the god of destruction and confusion.
In dark chambers, words are cooked as a stew with toxic ingredients. The common man has labeled them as big players, elites, globalists, kings and leaders. In secrecy plans are painted and thoroughly designed for demolition and eternal death. Technology as their spirit, and one day soon his death will breathe life into the image. People being cast into the laundry machine to wash their brains, prepared to worship the beast. The detergent powder is all over in the sky and softener liquid injected into men, animal, food and water. The plan is the goal to introduce their master, their god above all their countless gods, who are programmed to speak blasphemous words towards heaven – all the while myriads of distractions are spinning around in the wheel of evil time. Lawlessness will abound like never before. Another war, another pestilence another crime, another coup, another agent with charismatic fire from the pit of hell will cause the small rest of sanity to break and be cut off from society.
The motor, the motivation to be god, a god in human costume, yet corrupted deep inside selfishness. Connected is it to the tank, filled with greedy energy with many wires from the root of all evil. Even though I commanded them to publicly reveal all their goals and plans of destruction and deception, in words and letters in plain sight, before they get permission to perform it, most people have no ears to hear and no eyes to see. Blinded by the accuser who pretends to be the angel of light when in truth he is pure darkness. A deceptive darkness with 15 shiny attractions for corrupted flesh in the new normal.
Loud immature voices cry out to the world and give warnings to many people. They talk a lot about god, and about Me, but they don’t talk much with Me, nor sit at My feet to listen to My words. The have but a small fear of Me, small wisdom. They think, by addressing the plans of evil gods, everything will change but don’t realize it’s all in the calculation of the wicked. Have I not told you long ago, what must take place? Exposing evil and wickedness will not accomplish much. It only gives some people a bit an insight about the recipe of godless gods. Some become very famous behind their microphones in the virtual world in exposing evil or even pretend to speak in My name, but they do nothing but to play the cooperative card of the evil ones.
Where is the praise, where is the worship, where is the thanks and gratefulness of what I have done in people’s hearts and how I saved their souls, the exaltation which truly glorifies My name? Where is it?
A crossless preaching about darkness, when they believe, sharing information on the deeds and plans of the wicked and false gods will bring light into this world. They have ignored and forgotten that I am the light, the only light, who came into this world and brought truth within your midst. They have forgotten that I have not forgotten My creation and I will take care of My own. They ignore the fact without Me there is nothing anyone can do.
When I will purge this world I will also purge all places that are filled with idolatry and remove in time the ones who want to play god for all eternity. Remember Pharaoh, before you think My arm is too short. Is there anything impossible for Me? Yes there is! If there is anything impossible for Me, than this; that I am not a man that I can lie. Many seek the truth in this world, but won’t find it. Not in kings, not in technology, less in history books, not in anything that is of the world but only in Me and My word alone.
All the gods in this world are real somehow, and many have a loud voice to speak and command their foolish followers to do anything against My true and holy word. But it doesn’t stop at the steps of My house. And most people who call upon My name are too busy with politics and world affairs. Watch and see how I will purge them. It will not be the baby with the bathtub, but be warned, ready and prepared, when I start with the gods behind the pulpits and quickly come to your pew.
Bring your house in order before My hand reaches you. Make sure there is no darkness in your eyes, ears and heart, before you fall into My hands, the only One living God, the Elohim of Avraham, Yzchak and Yaacov. I am not the Elohim of the dead but of the living. In My presence, in My eternal Kingdom there is no death. Even stones are alive and singing praises. These are the ones that would have cried if My faithful disciples would have obeyed the Pharisees more than Me and had hold their peace. Today, not many bless My name, but many, out of fear will stop with their praise when the Pharisees tells them. If you comply to their ways, don’t wonder when the end of your road will not be of what you expect or believe. The parents of the blind man whom I healed feared men, the religious elites more than Me. If you do the same, I will bring blindness upon you, the same blindness they walk who lead others into the pit.
But if you obey Me above men, above kings or Pharisees or anyone else who pretends to be gods, I will open your eyes to see Me, your ears to hear Me and your heart to feel Me and understand My will and the purpose I have for your life.
All those other gods are like grass, one day they prosper and the next day they are withered and dry. They are not planted by the rivers of living waters, that’s why all their fruit is rotten and dry.
My beloved, don’t act like grasshoppers for I have called you for greater things. And even if giants come – keep the five stones in your hand, the sling in the other, and remind them of King David, the man after My own heart. These five stones are still alive today, and the sling of My word have not lost the power to defeat your enemy, regardless how tall and big they might appear before you, or what type of blasphemous words of intimidation they speak against you. Trust and obey Me and My commandments, so I can give you victory.
Time is at hand to send you, if you respond deep within your heart and say: “Here am I, send me”. The ends of the earth are waiting for you, and I will go with you. Whether the end is your neighbor next door or at the farthest corner of the earth, wait until I send you. I don’t need your plans and preparations to go. I will do it My way which is higher than your ways.
End of Prophecy
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