
Word 2021-07-30 cleansing & new thing

Word 2021-07-30 11:50 While eating something and praying at the same time I came up with a question/ phrase: Just imagine, one day Gold might become worthless I was thinking about the time, when the Mark of the Beast will be implemented – and then what will be the use...

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Word 2021-07-28 changes; light & darkness

Word 2021-07-28 11:50 Soon... Everything will change. Everything will be different. And (then) many people will say: wooh, why did nobody told us? People will question: Why did we allow this to happen= Why? Because you never asked Me. You think: God does not speak...

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Word 2021-07-26 Blind Pharisees

Word 2021-07-26 19:30 Received the word while cooking (not always the best time as there is a high risk for the food to get burned – and my cooking is anyway not good at all) It came more like a conversation: what are you looking for? Aaaaah, blind people searching......

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Word 2021-07-21 #2 Awakening

Word 2021-07-21 22:30 In my evening prayer time I was on the couch and fell asleep, then in a dream the words came repeating until I woke up and continued (the dream itself I could not remember) (In the dream:) Awakening is coming. I say it again: Awakening is coming....

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Word 2021-07-21 #1 When does it stop?

Word 2021-07-21 13:40 It was partially like a conversation, me asking questions to Yeshua (marked as ″-->″) Me: When are you going to end this Vax thing (or the whole Covid nonsense)? -->: Not yet! Me: Why not? -->: There are yet not enough who bowed down and had a...

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Word 2021-07-19 North Korea

Word 2021-07-19 (evening) This word is actually very different. I received one or two weeks ago a word about North Korea, but did not wrote it down. Then on 2021-07-19 during worship I started singing and prophesying and came to prophecy about North Korea for whatever...

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Word 2021-07-17 Rome will burn

Word 2021-07-17 2:10 (receioved it the night as I could not sleep) Rome will burn and/but you don't want to turn. EU, you will burn and your dream )will) smoke into ashes. Things you planned for decades, ages of preparation. In one minute all to dust. You decided to...

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Word 2021-07-16 Pelosi-Pollution

Word 2021-07-16 00:54 (no, though at night, this was not in a dream, I was fully awake) Nancy Pelosi – Nancy Polluted. Poured out poison polluted the soil. The pope and the (false) prophets perfected. They play a game, the game of death. Principalities and powers of...

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Word 2021-07-14 Iran, China…

Word 2021-07-14 14:00 Bugs in Iran that spoil the oil? Oh, what a demolition of the lies with lice and mice as they are heading forward to invade whole countries. The fear of the LORD (YHWH)? No, they laugh and mock and continue mocking in high places because the...

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Word 2021-07-12 Days of the Ark

Word 2021-07-12 20:15 There are days that will come you have not seen before. Days of prosperity, days of calamity, days of blessings, days of victory, days of triumph, days of trumpets, days of Trump, days of desperation days of honor, days of old, days of new People...

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