
Word 2021-10-20 Covid ship sinks, Ruach outpouring

Prophetic Word, given on October the 20th 2021 at 6:10am The Covid ship is sinking! It has been stinking, from before it's very beginning. The Titanic had just a very minor incident compared to what Covid will have. Look at the ice. The captain of the Titanic, proud...

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Word 2021-10-19 Stock Market crash, Ice and Xmas

Prophetic word, received on October 19th 2021 at 7:25 after shower as I started with my prayer time. After a short pause around 8:30 I received a few more words... My son, My daughter, My people, (why) you worry so much about tomorrow and mourn so much about...

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Word 2021-10-14 Done in heaven, battle

Prophetic word, given on October the 14th around 9:30pm 2021 during prayer time. Not in your wildest dreams you would believe what I am going to do. The ax is laid on the root, people say. No, the tree is already chopped down in heaven. I make room for My Bride to...

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Word 2021-10-13 Enough of Knowledge, Bride shines

Prophetic Word, given October 13th, around 3:35 after prayer when I woke up from my sleep Note, that part of this prophecy is like to hear the words of wicked people, about their thoughts, their plans, and what they think about Yeshua (God), His people and the bible....

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Word 2021-10-11 Milk machine will melt

Prophetic Word given on October the 11th 9:30pm while opening the fridge to get some milk. Milk the cow. Who is the cow? Do you not see it? Right in front of your eyes? WHO is milking the nations? Just a few people who are milking billions. They can never drink as...

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Word 2021-10-09 Roll it out and in and up

Prophetic word (very short), I received on October the 9th 22:30 Roll it out, roll it out they say. But No, roll it in, roll it in, says the I Am. I will roll them up. All those who spit against My scroll, is that (what) I will roll around their neck (it will be) like...

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Word 2021-10-09 Thunder, Lightning and Winter

Prophetic word October 9th at 21:05, received after blowing the Shofar Thunder and lightning, Thunder and lightning, Thunder and lightning is coming, the world has never seen before. Radiant lightning, flashes of Gold, flashes and clashes, thunder and rumblings and...

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Word 2021-10-06 Elephants in the China shop

Prophetic word, October 06th 2021 at 9:40pm I received it very strong while blowing the Shofar in a certain way. Africa, I hear Africa, the elephants... A herd of Elephants are coming. Oh, the wicked people don't like Elephants Why? Because some of them are trampling...

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Word 2021-10-05 Bride and Dawn breaking

Prophetic Word, given on October the 5th 10 minutes after 11pm You know how hard it is to wait for the bride? Yes, you do! But the closer the day for it to happen, the greater the excitement. Can you feel how the heart is stirred up when the dawn is here (close to...

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2 Words 2021-09-30 Do you think…?

Two prophetic words... The first on September 30 around 10:30pm and the second on October the first at 0:30 in 2021. Though they were on 2 different days but very likely connected to each other; anyway only 2 hours apart from each other. That's why they both are on...

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