Home 9 Words 9 Word 2021-10-06 Elephants in the China shop

Word 2021-10-06 Elephants in the China shop

Prophetic word, October 06th 2021 at 9:40pm

I received it very strong while blowing the Shofar in a certain way.

Africa, I hear Africa, the elephants…
A herd of Elephants are coming.
Oh, the wicked people don’t like Elephants
Because some of them are trampling in a China shop.
Oh yes, and just imagine a herd of Elephants are entering the China shop?

Yes, China!
See the Elephants are coming to you.
And they will trample in your evil shop/store.
You want to store up all the world with your lies.
The lie that is so big that you want to force anyone to cover their mouth.
But as much as these masks don’t protect from viruses, they don’t protect your lies.
The Truth is coming between these lies as the wheat and the tares growing at the same time.

What are you gonna do, when the first Elephant enters your shop?
Will you hide behind your masks?
Will you cover all your cooking utensils (cutlery) with that silly piece of poison?
No, it’s not fabric, nor plastic, its Poison!
Created with/in the pots and pans of hell.

You want to boil the frogs to death.
And yes, millions, many millions you will find in your streets.
Dead, murdered in the China Shop.

But the Elephants are ready to run.
And for you WHO runs the China shop, run!
Run as fast as you can.
You opened the can or worms and one day they will crawl in you.
You think you are safe?
While you sit in the mansion that you have stolen with the money from the people of your nation.
While you smoke the cigar and watch your daily (live)-porn…
Suddenly, the Elephants will be there.

Too late, too late you blasphemer of My Spirit,
drunken with the blood of the innocent.
Your fat belly will not move out of your chair.
Yes, some of your thousands of table dance slaves will run and flee.

Yet the Elephants will not chase them.
They will trample the fat out of your belly and squeeze it out between your ribs.
All what will be left is the smoking cigar on the ground.

My wind will blow and ignite the fire (from that cigar) that will burn down you mansion that is not your mansion.
And the ashes of the mansion as the smoke of it will fly and be scattered far away.

And your nation?
What will be with your nation without you oh wicked leaders?
It will blossom like a field of beautiful flowers at springtime.
And there, behold, it is My Ruach (My Spirit) that will bring life.
Dancing and singing.

Rejoice My flowers, for your time will come soon.
A festival like never before, far away from all evil.
They (the Flowers) will shine like the stars and their days will not end.

But numbered are your days all you wicked people from the smallest to the greatest.
The door is closing.
And when it closes, it will shake the foundations of the earth.
A shaking you’ve never seen before, before the great and fearful day of YHWH.

Marvelous and Glorious is His righteousness.
Grace and Mercy, Righteousness and Justice.
All at once, all together, all forever, all in all.

Remember what I told you.
Be ready for My move.
NO one knows the day and the hour.
No one knows My strong Hand and outstretched arm except those who knew Me,
those who keep All My commandments and as they love Me, My love comes first.

Have you seen the rain?
The latter rain?
How much is it?
More than enough and I say more than enough.
A drop of the ocean is all you can bear.