
Word 2021-12-19 Days of Biden numbered, no weight

Prophetic Word, December 19th 2021 around 23:20 Biden, your days are numbered. I weighed Belshazzar and he was found to be too light, but you Joe don't have any weight at all. Though you are not the one who you are but public recognize you as someone. For Me you are...

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Word 2021-12-17 Flying & the Fear of YHWH

Prophetic word, received on December the 17th 2021, about quarter past 8 in the evening during Worship on Erev Shabat. Flying... flying Who is flying? Many will be flying! Some will be flying out of their offices. Some will fly to joy, others to sorrow. The...

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Word 2021-12-14 Let My People go!

This prophetic word is somehow more a kind of a conversation or arguing between me and the Lord on December 14th 2021 around 4:30pm I was in the kitchen, guess my stomach lead me to get a little snack. As I was there, figuring out what to throw into my throat, into my...

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Word 2021-12-14 Who will stand before YHWH

Prophetic Word, given December the 14th 2021 around 3:45 in the morning (night). Who will (be able to) stand before Me? Not many! Most people will fail before Me. They will kneel and beg for mercy. But I will say: ″NO″! If you beat other people with a rod (or...

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Word 2021-12-10 freedom fighters and Gods word

Prophetic word, given December the 10th at 5:30 in the morning. Freedom fighters... Do you really know what true freedom is? Look at my Hands: There, you'll find true freedom. If you look through the holes you will see where freedom is. There you can see the future....

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Word 2021-12-07 Break the curse with praise

Prophetic Word, given on December 7th 2021 around 5:30 in the morning. Yes, I am going to break the curse But you must pray – you must step into the gap. I will not do anything if you just sit back and watch TV and news and point your finger at the wicked. Yes I know...

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Word 2021-12-04 House built on sand will fall

Prophetic word, received on December the 4th around 5:45 in the morning Government is locked. The lost and they know it. They don't want to admit and going to fight now like an animal that is pushed back in the corner. But I have chained them. All you need to know is...

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Word 2021-12-03 Two Rivers, death and life

Prophetic word, received on December the 3rd 2021 around 6pm during Erev Shabat worship. Note: As this word is mostly metaphorical (yet not too complicated to understand). But in any case, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word There are two...

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Word 2021-12-01 Why all of this is happening?

Prophetic word, December the first 2021 around 9:45 in the morning. I received this word while chopping some pieces of wood for a shed to prepare for the rain in winter Note: So this word maybe sound somehow a bit fragmented but if you ask the Holy Spirit to lead and...

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Word 2021-11-25 Hollywood and your Children

Prophetic word, received on November 25th 2021 around 12:30 noon. Hollywood Hollywood... Who is Hollywood? Did they ever made something great and good? The mainstream media is truly bad, but Hollywood is worse. The greatest brainwash-machine mankind ever developed and...

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