Prophetic Word received on January the 9th 2022 around 14:00
And additional a word from January 4th 2022 , 3am at night.
Please ask the Hols Spirit as always to lead and guide you through this prophecies and don’t lean on your own understanding.
The Word from January the 4th
″People will not be forced to take
the mark of the beast but fooled to take it.″
The Word from January the 9th
Revival is coming, ″rapture″ is waiting.
If I would snatch out My bride now, the world would even not recognize anything significant.
But when I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh as you pour out (in this proverb) so often the baby with the whole bathtub…
That will scare the wicked people hell into them.
Oh, you say it will scare hell out of them but I will make it the other way around.
So they will know that I Am!
Shaking, yes, they will shake to the core of their bones.
Their laughter will freeze in their faces and the other muscles will stretch it far to scary fear.
Will I have mercy with them?
Yes, but they will pay a heavy price.
Anyway only a hand full of them will turn.
But the homeless and all the lowest in society will rejoice when I will still their hunger as a good mother feeds her baby.
I will nourish them more than any mother can nourish their children.
I will care for them and protect their soul, more than any father (in this world) is able to do.
Shepherds, be ready for the flood of souls.
I will make you responsible for many.
Evangelists are waiting but I will call more as the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.
Listen to My prophets as I will put them behind you to intercede and pray and plead for you.
The day will come, when suddenly false prophets and evangelists will pop up like mushrooms in a damp warm forest.
Great deception they will bring to deceive many – even with great signs, wonders and miracles.
Watch carefully when these hordes of wolfs mingle between My sheep.
Yes, they will be very nice, very lovely, very educated in scripture.
Yet they will use only a tiny bit of leaven, some poisonous leaven to leaven the whole lump.
Apostles, keep your eyes open (to recognize the wheat and the chaff).
Teachers, stand your ground and don’t let them deceive you and pull you away from the simple truth of the good news.
From Genesis to Revelation, all My word is One and will remain One.
Don’t let them cut off even a tiny fraction or add something that I have never spoken.
Not one of My words shall be removed or made null and void.
Stay on the narrow path that leads to life.
No matter of how many voices will be yelling from all sides or those who pretend to accompany you on the narrow path
and whisper something that tickles you ears.
I am and remain The Way, The Truth and The Life and beside Me there is no other!
I showed you the way how to wash the feet of one another.
My blood can’t be mixed with doctrines of men.
Hold on to the day when I will come and meet you in midst the fire, on your knees, while you sleep, while you kiss your spouse in true love, while you hug your children, when you worship Me in prison or in the woods.
I will come and I will not be too late.
I promised you, I will be with you til the ends of this world.
When the Lord spoke about to pour out the baby with the bathtub, we usually only say the bathwater.
But I sensed when he gave me the word he literally meant not only the bathwater but everything altogether including the bathtub.
Scriptures to this Prophecy:
Joel 2:28
Isaiah 44:3
Matthew 9:37-38/ Luke 10:2
2 Peter 2.1/ 1 John 4:1
Jeremiah 14:14/ Lamentations 2:14/
Matthew 24:11, 24/ Mark 13:22
2 Timothy 4:3
John 14:6
Revelation 22:18-19/ Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32
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