Prophetic Drumsolo given 2013, July 14. Run Man, Run. Note: Don't get too focused on the drum-playing (whether you like it or not, it is only a background-vessel to carry the message) Read carefully the Prophetic Words of Yeshua (they are not my words), who want's to...
2013/07/02 – Prophetic Drumsolo: Get Ready and Prepared for the Hour of Yeshuas coming
Prophetic Drumsolo given 2013, July 02. When I was listening to this playing after recording, Yeshua started to speak to me saying: this is not just a drumsolo... is a prophetic message that speaks about the coming of the Messiah Yeshua. INFO: Words in...
2013/06/25 – The things that are impossible for Elohim
Prophetic Word given 2013, May.17./18. got this word while painting (creosote) wooden windows The Impossible things for Elohim I will let you know something. When people say there is nothing Impossible for me (God) or even when I say to you or other friends there is...
2013/05/05 – The Light, Greatness, Beauty, Joy Preace and Love of Elohim is far beyond Human words
Prophetic Word given 2013 May 05 and May 06 INFO: Words in (parentheses) were not literally spoken, but they are included for better understanding or personal comment/ info... Note: This prophetic word is somehow special and partly different to most other words I...
2013/03/26 – Live Yeshuas Word as it is written and so not manipulate, add or remove anything
Prophetic Word given 2013 March 26 12:30pm given somewhere in a forest INFO: This message contains reference's to conversations. Please read carefully in context not to mess up of who is speaking. And 2 times within that message He gave me personal things....
2013/03/18 – This man (Obama) is going to bring my people (of Israel/the jews) back (to Israel)
Prophetic Word given 2013, March 18, 3:15pm (while relaxing in a park) This man (Obama) is going to bring my people (of Israel) back (to Israel) INFO: Accidentally I locked me out of the house. while waiting until someone is at home. So I went to a park simply to take...
2013/03/16 – Yeshua is coming soon; Have the Torah written in your heart and not on Paper
Prophetic Word given 2013, March 16, 3:00pm Yeshua is coming soon; Have the Torah written in your heart and not on Paper Cried out, cried out - unbelievable pain. Suffered for you that you may live. Glory, who is Glory, the glorious King as Yeshua alone? Majesty in...
2013/03/11 – Humble to stumble, Persecution for the sake of Yeshua or another name?
Prophetic word given 2013, March 11 3:00pm Stumbling and Persecution INFO: Words in (parantheses) were not literally spoken, but they are included for better understanding On the way to paradise many people are stumbling. Would you like to know why? I think there is...
2013/02/04 – (What is) The Power of Elohim – to encourage the Body of the Messiah
Prophetic Word given 2013, Feb.04 around noon The Power of אלוהם Elohim: INFO: Words in (parantheses) were not literally spoken but are included for better understanding The Power of Elohim is not only a verse in the bible to quote every now and then or a sermon to...
2013/01/23 – What if Yeshua would come tomorrow? ARE YOU READY? Prepared for the end times?
Prophetic Word given 2013, Jan.26 around noon Are you ready for a weird question? A question that sounds kinda hypothetic? Be ready when ???? (Yeshua) speaks to you! ...pray and ask the Holy Spirit that He speaks to you His Word to know His Heart and His perfect Will...