Prophetic Word from Yeshua, given 2013 November 21
Soon, the Shofar, blood and the moon will declare the coming of the messiah.Prophetic Word
ישוע המשיח
Do you see the stars in sky, (and) how wonderfully I placed them?
People say they are far far away but this is not true.
There is no (does not exist) distance for me.
What you say light-years (away) is just a twinkle of an eye for me – I’ll grab them all together with my hand.
If I would want to let them rain down tomorrow it will happen tomorrow and not in a million years.
Or if I want to remove them today they will be gone immediately and seen no more.
Have you ever seen a rainbow?
Yes you have, but do you know how to walk on it?
My angels climb up and down and want to remind you of all the promises I gave to you.
But you have taken away my promises and replaced them with your doctrines (and traditions).
Heavy burdens on your shoulders instead of grace and mercy to love each other and love me with all your heart.
Blood poured out from the tree, the tree of life (that is Yeshua).
But instead of my blood you drink the blood of idols, (that contains) the power of darkness.
Come to me and enjoy My Presence instead the noise and idolatry of the world.
You will have joy in My Presence and happiness at My Wedding.
I will come to you if you do not come to me!
And My Coming to you will not be/feel the same as if you come to me and lay/pour down Your heart before me.
And I will come, yes and all people will see me, even those who hate me.
They hate me for no reason.
The world will see me and tremble.
My Love scares them.
Filled with hatred they cannot accept My Love.
They think My Love is just a cloudy misty mystical phenomena.
But I tell you, My Love is True and Real.
The promises of the enemy are only lies.
One day you will see.
But for those who believed in those lies will feel it
and have to drink the blood of my wrath.
As the moon will turn to blood,
My blood will be poured out once again.
No one will be able to escape from my fire.
The fire of the burning bush and the fire of Sodom and Gomorrah.
One fire is for those who love me and keep my commandments and the other fire is for those who have permanently rejected my call.
You can choose which fire you want to receive.
Listen to the sound of the Shofar.
Open your ears and hearts and be ready for my coming is near.
If you don’t believe it, you will see and hear – it is the roaring of the lion.
Soon, the Shofar, blood and the moon will declare the coming of the messiah.