
Message January 2022 – Stand…in the fire

Prophetic proclamation with Shofar recorded on January 6th 2022 The content is not available in written form – too much… but you can watch it in the long video that is integrated – or linked, whatever you prefer. Sorry for the bit cracking sound I used a Lavalier...

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What about 2022?

2022 What could we expect in 2022? What does the bible say - my personal view and many possiblilities... Most of it is in the view of the natural realm, but related to scripture in the spiritual and prophetic realm. The content is not available in written form - too ...

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THE day of… The Rapture (when will it be?)

"The Rapture" Some people claim when the rapture will occur. Others arguing about a pre-, mid- or end-Tribulation rapture. And then a group who say there is no rapture, because it is not in the Bible. Finally I think there are many other groups with myriads of other...

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2013/08/01 Who keep’s the Word of God ( Elohim )?

No-one keeps the Truth of Torah A RE-NEWED LOOK AT THE TORAH INTRODUCTION TO OUR FOUNDATION AND FAITH to open our eye's to Revelation Knowledge. Note:  This Message is to Restore (as is available now) the Original writing's, given before Translation's and...

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2013/03/08 The את (Alef Tav) Restored

Restoration from the Scripture's. "את" (The Alef and the Tav) The "את" (Alef Tav) was in the Original writings of the scripture's (Scrolls) we received. In the Beginning was the "את" (Alef and Tav) They (את) are two letter's of 22, making up the Hebrew Alef Beth...

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2013/02/24 Messages – Introduction

What this messages are all about... The Purpose of these Message's for all who want a Closer Walk with our Wonderful   Lord and Savior YESHUA our Messiah. To give Knowledge of His Pure Word to know His Higher Way's to be able to do His Will and then Walk with Him as...

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2013/02/24 Perfecting (Part 1)

Shalom from Jerusalem, May You all Be Blessed! This Message is about Fulfillment, Us and Loved One's, Blessing's and not Cursing's, A people Ready! YESHUA is Coming for His Bride very Soon! This Message will be in two part's, ! What was the Will of YESHUA in His...

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2013/02_24 Perfecting (Part 2)

Second part of the Message about Fulfillment, Us and Loved One's, Blessing's and not Cursing's, A people Ready! -This is a Time to Rejoice Dear brother and sister! YESHUA is doing Great Thing's, He Saved the Best for Last! Just Like the New Wine! YESHUA Want's to put...

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