Word 2023-07-20 Philosophy, Putin, NATO and Truth

Word 2023-07-20 Philosophy, Putin, NATO and Truth

Prophetic Word 2023-07-20 ~7:00pm/ 8:00pm Note: When I received the word, I didn’t write it down immediately, but it came back about an hour later (then I wrote it down). The reason I didn’t wrote it down right away was because everything was not good...
Word 2023-06-02 The Twinkling of an eye

Word 2023-06-02 The Twinkling of an eye

Prophetic Word received on 2023-06-02 around 5:00pm Note: This prophecy is given on my journey while on my journey with the boat. While anchoring I was reading the book of Mark of the AENT version and there in chapter 15 when I received the word For this word, ask...
Word 2023-04-12 The big BUT and the commandments

Word 2023-04-12 The big BUT and the commandments

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-04-12 2:30am Note: Actually I could not sleep anymore maybe at 2 o’clock and went to worship and pray a bit. Then the Holy Spirit started to talk to me. Usually when writing something in that time at night, I would fall asleep...