Word 2022-01-05 What’s up with Donald J. Trump?

Word 2022-01-05 What’s up with Donald J. Trump?

Prophetic Poetry, given on January 2022 the 5th around 21:45 ….. The door is closing soon for the wicked They will get their reward, you have your ticket Everybody is waiting for Trump to return But before he comes, Rome has to burn Legitimate or nor is not the...
Word 2022-01-05 France and their president

Word 2022-01-05 France and their president

Prophetic Word, received on January 5th 2022 at 21:15 (during prayer and worship time) How would it be if the Eiffel tower will topple; the Glory of Paris on the ground? Very similar as if the Statue of Liberty in New York… If it will drop into the sea, the...
Word 2022-01-03 United Kingdoms – Gods Kingdom

Word 2022-01-03 United Kingdoms – Gods Kingdom

Prophetic Word 2022-01-03 5:30am (after a dream) It starts with the word United Kingdom which I understood as what we simply say England. And this might be somehow connected with the dream – but I have no insight on that. Here on the website I will post the whole...

Word 2022-01-02 People are blind for The Truth

Prophetic Word 2022-01-02 21:30 – during prayer (with medium migraine) Note: Let the Holy Spirit be your guide through this prophetic word Yes, people are blind, people don’t see the truth, they don’t see the truth, they don’t see the light. And if...
What about 2022?

What about 2022?

2022 What could we expect in 2022? What does the bible say – my personal view and many possiblilities… Most of it is in the view of the natural realm, but related to scripture in the spiritual and prophetic realm. The content is not available in written...