Word 2024/02/16 Israel – fighting hell

Word 2024/02/16 Israel – fighting hell

Prophetic Word received on 2024-02-16 ~ 11:00 AM Note: This is entirely addressed to Israel, specifically physical Israel, not the spiritual Israel and more detailed those who rule that nation, basically the government and the religious leaders, and perhaps those in...
Word 2024/02/01 A shift is coming, Turning point

Word 2024/02/01 A shift is coming, Turning point

Prophetic Word (5) 2024-02-01 5:00am while waking up Note: The word came around 5am together while waking up, basically right out from my sleep. Before you listen or read the word, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you, for wisdom and a deep understanding of all...
Word/ Poetry 2024/01/24 The great Big show

Word/ Poetry 2024/01/24 The great Big show

Prophetic word (poem), received on 2024-01-24 around 9:00am while working Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit when you listen or read this word to lead and guide you for full understanding and complete interpretation of all metaphorical elements. As it is a poem,...
Word 2023/12/29 When you stand before Yeshua

Word 2023/12/29 When you stand before Yeshua

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-12-29 around 4:00pm Note: Another country, another couch – or some sort of… In a few days I will be again in another place, whether with or without a couch I don’t know yet. But since I have a bit time now in 2023 I pre-record...