Word 2022-03-05 Battle for lives and souls

Word 2022-03-05 Battle for lives and souls

Prophetic word received on March the 5th 2022 around 9:10pm. Note: Actually I got this word already at 6pm when I was in the kitchen but didn’t write it down. Then about 3 hours later the exact same words came to me and I thought, very likely Yeshua want to say...

Poetry 2022-03-02 The Temple is here, the end near

Prophetic word/ poetry, given March the 2nd around 9pm during prayer. Note: This word seem to have a style like the book of proverbs that flips around into different subjects and not a continuous flow like of a typical prophecy. Please also notice the metaphorical...
Word 2022-02-25 weightier matter and the storm

Word 2022-02-25 weightier matter and the storm

Prophetic Word, given on February 25th 2022 at 8pm during Shabat worship. Note: With all the metaphors, don’t forget to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word. The worm is waiting. Hungry for souls – for all eternity he will eat and eat and...