by Klaus | Jan 6, 2024 | Words
Prophecy, given on 2024-01-06 ~8:40pm. Note: The word contains a few personal things, but they are important and not only for me. I will explain more details at the bottom. But now before you listen, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for wisdom and the full...
by Klaus | Dec 29, 2023 | Words
Prophetic Word, given on 2023-12-29 around 4:00pm Note: Another country, another couch – or some sort of… In a few days I will be again in another place, whether with or without a couch I don’t know yet. But since I have a bit time now in 2023 I pre-record...
by Klaus | Dec 7, 2023 | Words
Prophetic Word, given on 2023-12-07 around 9:30pm Note: As always, I advice you to ask the Holy Spirit in prayer to lead and guide you through this prophecy for understanding and wisdom. This word contains a pile of metaphors, so please be very vigilant to read so you...
by Klaus | Nov 24, 2023 | Words
Prophetic Word, given on 2023-11-24 around 8:00pm Note: First of all I want to thank those who have been supporting me in prayer and also a few with donations. I don’t take it for granted but don’t like to make a big fuss or long sermon out of it, like...
by Klaus | Nov 21, 2023 | Words
Prophetic Word, given 2023-11-21 around 1:00pm Note: Now before you listen or read this word, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and full understanding (we prophecy in part). Beginning of Prophecy: Lies, lies and more lies...