by Klaus | Mar 18, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word, given on March 18 2022 around 6:15 during Shabat Worship. Please Note: First of all the word is split in two sections. And it is a very unique word in a different style. It starts as usual with Yeshua speaking and then after a few sentences it flips...
by Klaus | Jan 19, 2022 | Words
Prophetic Word 2022-01-19 16:45 (-20:45) That word kept dropping in over a period of 4 hours Note: In midst these words I received in the Spirit much more details but have no clue how to describe or word it. As this word does not appear for me so easy please ask the...
by Klaus | Jan 9, 2022 | Words
Prophetic Word received on January the 9th 2022 around 14:00 And additional a word from January 4th 2022 , 3am at night. Note: Please ask the Hols Spirit as always to lead and guide you through this prophecies and don’t lean on your own understanding. First: The...