Word 2022-03-14 Why focus on Ukraine?

Word 2022-03-14 Why focus on Ukraine?

Prophetic word received on March 14 around 8:00pm Note: I was not excited to hear something about the Ukraine since there is so much around to interfere our minds. Some things in this word I also don’t really understand. As it contains several metaphors and...
Word 2022-03-11 difficulty, deception, democracy

Word 2022-03-11 difficulty, deception, democracy

Prophetic word, given March the 11th 2022 around 5:45 in the morning. Note: Please listen careful as a bunch of this word is metaphorical, cryptic or coded, whatever you name it. Above all that as with every prophecy, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for more...
The Double Shofar

The Double Shofar

What is a “Double Shofar”? It’s not a prophecy nor a dream, not a song, nor really a message, yet it contains somehow a bit of everything. Have you ever seen someone blowing 2 shofar at the same time? I present here a scene that I had once in a dream...

Word 2022-03-09 Closing door, Reaper and Gods house

Prophetic word from March the 9th 2022 at around 3:50am. Note: The first7-8 sentences are not in the message. I simply didn’t want to write them down and was somehow not yet fully awake, though they were very clear. But the first missing passage addressing...
Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Prophetic word, given from Yeshua on March the 6th 2022 15:50 received it in the kitchen, right after I came back home. Note: This word contains a lot of details between the lines but it’s hard to point out to all of it – actually not much at all. And anyway not...