by Klaus | Apr 19, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word written down on April 19th 2022 around 9pm. This word is a bit unusual as it came 3 days in a row yet I did not had an unction to write it down until the third time while taking a shower. Then after writing the first word Yeshua continued speaking And...
by Klaus | Apr 18, 2022 | Words
Prophetic Word received on April the 18th 2022 around 8:20 in the morning Some of the things in this prophetic word sounds very clear, other things are somehow more metaphorical and coded and some portions seem to be not so clear, since there is some kind of switching...
by Klaus | Apr 9, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word, given on April the 9th 2022 around 8:30pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and understanding of this prophecy. Most in this word is for the Children of Elohim – ask for wisdom how to respond Start of Prophecy If I would let you chose,...
by Klaus | Apr 5, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word, given on April the 5th 2022 around 3:50pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy. And again, when this word speaks about Me, My, I, Mine, it’s not the opinion of the goofball sitting on the couch, but the...
by Klaus | Apr 2, 2022 | Words
Prophetic Word 2022-04-02 3:20 (it was partially given in German language, but I will not write that down here.) A couple of infos of other things, words, dreams before the prophecy: 1. The graphic card of the Computer died (somehow not completely but became more or...