Dream 2022-04-30  After the rapture

Dream 2022-04-30 After the rapture

Prophetic dream April 30th 2022 (unknown time, but towards the morning) Note: Please keep in mind, to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this dream. Also consider that there is no timeline given, when it might happen. As the dream that is very symbolic...
The Bible on drums

The Bible on drums

What has the bible to do with drums? Well, you can discuss it back and forth – that relation is not the most important More important for us ot have a relationship with the Lord Yeshua and listen to His word by His Spirit and through His written Word. The Bible/...
Poetry 2022-04-24 Judgment, sheep and goats

Poetry 2022-04-24 Judgment, sheep and goats

Prophetic word/ Poetry, given on April 24th 2022 around 9:30pm Note: Enjoy the beauty of poetry with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to attain the best pieces of the glory-cake Beginning of the Word: I sit on the throne and reign While the world goes down the drain...
Word 2022-04-22 The blood between the lines

Word 2022-04-22 The blood between the lines

Prophetic word, given on April 22th 2022 on 6:45 in the morning Note: As always in every prophecy, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word. Also to give you wisdom, how to translate this word in your personal life or into this world today....