Prophetic word, given on April 22th 2022 on 6:45 in the morning
As always in every prophecy, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word.
Also to give you wisdom, how to translate this word in your personal life or into this world today.
Beginning of Prophecy:
Behind the (next) curve there is a (another) curfew.
You look at Shanghai and say: “This is horrible and insane”.
Stand before Me with sin in your hands and you will change your opinion.
Have you forgotten that I alone have the power to cast you into Gehenna?
The devil might kill your body but beyond that he can’t do anything (against you).
But what will the devil do when you stand before My throne?
Of course, he will accuse you for everything you have done against My commandments.
You have stolen.
You have lied.
You dishonored your parents.
You had many other gods beside Me.
You have forgotten that I created the soil, you stand on in 6 days and rested on the 7th day – and so shall you, and not run around crazy like a chicken without a head.
You used my Holy Name in vain.
You committed murder.
The devil accuse you before Me day and night, even those who serve him.
But he is blind in his fury and hatred against Me and My creation.
He can’t see My love, as there is no love in him.
I showed him the chains that I will use to bind him a 1000 years.
He tries to copy the chains to use it against My word.
Chains of sin to enslave people.
Those massive chains where people are bound up in prison are less than a very thin thread of wool and less than a spiders web compared to the chains I have (made) for him.
Chains of sin, designed by a composition of many lies.
Constantly he designs all kinds of new types of sinful material.
And mankind in their own human minds are not able to see and recognize what most of it is.
Subtle lies, woven into invisible poison of rebellion and sorceries.
Only if you use My word as a telescope and a microscope of truth, you are able to see all the lies.
Deceitful deception is the conception of the accuser.
Look again into My word and read between the lines.
Look closer, observe it on every level…
And then step back and look upon it as like standing in front of a marvelous huge painting.
You need both views to see everything.
Some people only use the closeup to see the fine details but don’t recognize the whole picture.
Others stand only in far distance with fascinating eyes look at all the beautiful colors and the amazing composition, yet never take the microscope for a closer view into the details.
Not that they are doing wrong, but both groups are missing a big portion of My grace and mercy.
Look again from both viewpoints at the same time and you will see how My blood flows through all the words from Genesis to Revelation – from the beginning til the end, and even beyond.
The Alef and Tav is everywhere.
I have given everyone the possibility to receive My Holy Spirit to be able to see it all.
And yes, My blood flows like a river of life from the entrance of the Garden over My mercy seat all the way up to My Throne.
And up til your very last breath in this world it is available for you.
Walk in that river between and in midst My words.
This is where the devil don’t walk, and indeed, he can’t bear it.
Walk in righteousness like Avraham My friend and like King David the man after My own heart.
Walk in the river of My blood.
That’s the only place the devil can’t reach because My blood will burn him.
The only thing he can do is to stand on the riverbank and accuse you (before Me).
Once you (will) come to the end of the river and stand before My throne, his accusations will be washed away by My blood (if you have bathed in it).
That river will lead you over to the lake of crystal clear water in My garden, the river of perfect love.
Both ends of the river connect to Me.
The beginning and the End will become One.
One, where the dragon can never reach.
And those who walk upon the cross where I shed My precious blood will be able to carry their staff (cross).
Moshe used his staff to smite the waters of Egypt and they turned into blood.
Yes, the magicians and sorcerers also copied it to a certain amount with their trickery.
But afterwards they were not able to do anything anymore.
Use your staff to turn the waters of sin and death into new wine.
The best wine that is laid ahead of you, if you drink it.
Today the sorcerers try to modify and manipulate the blood as like they (the Nephilim) did before the flood then the blood of men became defiled and corrupted.
By My Spirit the new better wine is preserved for last and when you drink it and give it to those who are thirsty, it will become a river of life.
Then, you don’t want to come (as now) day after day to the well of sin to drink from.
But it will spring forth like a fountain of life from inside of you.
Freely you receive that flowing water from My hand, from My mouth, freely serve it to others, your neighbors.
And you know who is your neighbor if you look with My eyes.
Go and sin no more.
Go and show yourself to the priests.
I have cleansed you from the leprosy of sin.
My blood has washed it all away.
End of Prophecy
Matthew 10:28/ Luke 12:4-5
Romans 3:23
Revelation 12:10
Exodus 20:1-17
Revelation 20:2
Revelation 1:8, 21:6,22:13
Luke 11:13/ Matthew 7:7-12
Revelation 1:5, 7:14
Exodus 7:20
Genesis 6:1-13
John 4:14
Matthew 10:8
John 5:14/ Mark 1:40-44
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