Message Month 02 2023 Hate – for no reason

Message Month 02 2023 Hate – for no reason

Message, Month 02/2023 pointing to the Good News according to Yochanan (John) 15:18-25 Note: This is a personal message, not a prophecy, dream or a vision. Let the Holy Spirit guide you through this message to pick the pearls and cast off my personal leaven or weak...
Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Word/ Poetry 2023-01-29 Yeshuas pain

Prophetic Word (poem), given on 2023-01-29 7:00pm Note: When I received this word I had for a split second a strange pain, where possibly Yeshua let me feel how He feels when he looks upon this world. Out of this pain He gave me these words. Please ask the Holy Spirit...
Dream 2023-901-29 Two wedding dreams

Dream 2023-901-29 Two wedding dreams

Two Prophetic wedding Dreams 2023-01-29, 4:40am and 6:40am Note: As dreams can have multiple interpretations please ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding. I give you just one color of the picture at the end. Beginning of the first dream (around 4:40am): I...
Dream 2023-01-24 Disturbing injection

Dream 2023-01-24 Disturbing injection

Dream or prophetic dream, of 2023-01-24 Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, especially in the interpretation. Beginning of the dream: I was going walking and spoke with some people and a group of people about if they are vaccinated...
Word 2023-01-23 The Third Gates Experiment

Word 2023-01-23 The Third Gates Experiment

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-01-23, 6:00am Note: Though it is a very short word please ask the Holy Spirit for deeper understanding and wisdom how …short, but it was clear as a bell. Beginning of Prophecy: ″And the third Gates experiment is getting launched in...