Message 2024/03 Heaven or Hell – the future

Message 2024/03 Heaven or Hell – the future

Message 2024/03 Month 02 Heaven or Hell – the future (our future) Beginning of Message: You may wonder why I don’t talk about politics, when everyone seem to be focused on that and especially this year with the elections or may you name it selections in...
Word 2023-09-18 Time is up, Worship of good or evil, Repent

Word 2023-09-18 Time is up, Worship of good or evil, Repent

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-09-18 around 6:30am Note This word jumps back and forth between two groups of people. So listen carefully of who is addressed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and understanding, especially with...
Dream 2022-11-08 Faith beyond natural circumstances

Dream 2022-11-08 Faith beyond natural circumstances

Prophetic Dream, given 2022-11-08 Note: I have forgotten to write down the day, but it might have been on the 8th. (I simply chose that date) If you doubt that this dream is prophetic, ask the Holy Spirit with a honest humble heart and without prejudice and He will...