by Klaus | Mar 11, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word, given March the 11th 2022 around 5:45 in the morning. Note: Please listen careful as a bunch of this word is metaphorical, cryptic or coded, whatever you name it. Above all that as with every prophecy, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for more...
by Klaus | Feb 23, 2022 | Words
Prophetic Word 2022-02-23 maybe 15:00 (forgot to look at the time) Note: As there are several metaphors and has different prophetic layers, ask the Holy Spirit (always) to lead and guide you through this prophecy. They know it all. Yes, all those in the (same) boat on...
by Klaus | Feb 3, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word, received on February the 3rd 2022 around 1pm Note: I received this word right after I came home from the beach (where I go for exercises). Not very likely that I was influenced at that moment by political thoughts. Vladimir: Do you want to be a star in...
by Klaus | Dec 7, 2021 | Words
Prophetic Word, given on December 7th 2021 around 5:30 in the morning. Yes, I am going to break the curse But you must pray – you must step into the gap. I will not do anything if you just sit back and watch TV and news and point your finger at the wicked. Yes I know...
by Klaus | Nov 22, 2021 | Words
Prophetic Word, given November 22nd 2021 around 9pm You think you are under the 300 with Gideon? But then you dance in the political arena? There is no politics – this is a circus of eccentric egoistic pedophiles, first class money grabbers. Where are your prayers My...