Home 9 Words 9 Word 2022-05-16 Short unprecedented summer

Word 2022-05-16 Short unprecedented summer

Prophetic Word, given on May 16th 2022 – late evening (no specific time)

This word is full with metaphors, so I highly recommend to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and give you understanding and wisdom for deeper understanding.
I will explain the personal element in the word at the end.

The prophecy starts with the word SUMMER (season)
Though it was not specific mentioned, but I knew in the Spirit, it talks about the season ahead of us which is labeled as summer for the northern hemisphere (where I live), but it includes the winter for the southern hemisphere.

Beginning of the Prophecy:

Summer – will be unprecedented, unpredictable, similar to the thoughts of the world leaders and politicians.
They have a roller coaster in their brain, driven by greed, money and hunger for power.
The weather will be in tune with their minds.
Some say crazy or insane, other say evil.
But all in alignment with Scripture.

Prophets wrote it down, I told you over and over again.
Even history, as it reflects my commandments whether men keep them or reject them.
From the beginning til today and til the very end you heard and will continue to hear the warnings.

Sowing and reaping according to the living Word, the living Torah.
Crystal clear I gave instructions and warnings, the alarm, the signs to see of what will happen if you walk away from Me and turn to evil and wickedness and follow other gods.
Is there anywhere someone like Jonah to go to Nineveh and call for repentance?
Yes, there are, but there are not enough fish to bring them to the places where they should be.

Many sail on the pleasure cruise.
Some I see in the ignorance submarine.
Others hide in the docks of fear between the excuse containers.
A few are on the run-away in the race boats.
Some are on the sailing ships with masts of doubt floating in the current and bouncing on the waves as the masts of doubt have no sails (no fabric).
And some have the anchors of massive chains of addictions that pulls the little dinghy’s almost down the water.

Some slide in rivers of joy in canoes yet called to be on (oil) tankers to bring the anointing to the priests for them to pour it out on the prophets, evangelists, teachers, shepherds and apostles.
Others have chosen to play in the orchestra of the Titanic that will bring them into their own destruction.
Then those in the rowing boats between the waves of activism when I have called them for intercession
in their calm closet.
Their boats got filled and filled with water but they continue to paddle like crazy, thinking, this will help them to get a lot of passengers in their tiny boats.

I want you to be on a simple raft without walls like your forefathers, when they went down the Danube river, into a land they knew not.
Avraham obeyed when I called him to go into a land he didn’t know.

Where are the ones who trust Me like Avraham?
Who will say like Isaiah: here am I, send me?

You say, the summer had just begun, I say, the summer is short.
In past times you had many decades of summer to bring in the harvest.
This coming summer will be short, and it will get shorter with each passing day.
There is not much time left to bring in the harvest, not much time to repent.
Get out of your boats and ships and step unto the raft of My Holy Spirit, where you can fulfill your call without walls around, to bring the good news of My salvation to all before the fall.

End of Prophetic Word.

The personal element in this word:
My forefathers were those who went down on rafts the Danube river from Germany as much as I know in 17-hundred something during the 30-year war.
Today the nautical term of rafts are technically mostly not the same anymore.
It also does not mean this is a prophecy for myself – it is a metaphorical illustration to float in the Holy Spirit on the liver of love and life, not knowing how the journey will turn out.

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