by Klaus | Mar 2, 2024 | Words
Ukraine… The show must go on / America, S&G Note: Before you listen or read the word, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word and to understand also all metaphorical elements. Beginning of Prophecy: Ukraine… will go on. Not that...
by Klaus | Feb 25, 2024 | Words
Prophetic Word 2024-02-25 maybe 2:00pm Note: I was in prayer and came with a question to Yeshua, which is mentioned in the first sentence. Well, then it happened that He answered me. He started out first more personal, where I think this is also good to share as it...
by Klaus | Jan 20, 2024 | Messages
Message 2024/02 Prophets and Profits – ″exposed″ Month 01 This message may sound a bit controversial, coming from someone who post prophetic words (online). Well, I will start actually with a true story, quiet some years back: READ MORE There was a woman who followed...
by Klaus | Nov 21, 2023 | Words
Prophetic Word, given 2023-11-21 around 1:00pm Note: Now before you listen or read this word, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and full understanding (we prophecy in part). Beginning of Prophecy: Lies, lies and more lies...
by Klaus | Sep 17, 2022 | Words
Prophetic word, given on 2022-09-17 8:00am in the kitchen Note: As always please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy. Beginning of prophecy: Climate change… is real. Climate propaganda is also real. Between each of those two there is...