Message 2024/03 Heaven or Hell – the future

Message 2024/03 Heaven or Hell – the future

Message 2024/03 Month 02 Heaven or Hell – the future (our future) Beginning of Message: You may wonder why I don’t talk about politics, when everyone seem to be focused on that and especially this year with the elections or may you name it selections in...
Message 2023-10e: Halloween and your children

Message 2023-10e: Halloween and your children

Halloween and your children, Message 2023/10e A year have passed and again the occult holiday turning Month 10 to 11, or shall I say more accurate: Hell-day? Only wondering if can I am still permitted to say that or will this be already counted as hatespeech? I...
Word 2023-09-04 Man made laws and Gods commandments

Word 2023-09-04 Man made laws and Gods commandments

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-09-04 around 10pm Note: This prophecy contains a lot of very controversial content, especially in Christian environment. I heard many discussions about it and the stupid fights about who is right and wrong. Some might disagree and throw...
Word 2023-09-03 Our senses in heaven and hell

Word 2023-09-03 Our senses in heaven and hell

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-09-03 around 5:30pm Note: Pay attention that this word can’t really confirmed with scripture because it catches something that is beyond our human life – so there is also no proof if this might be wrong. So please don’t shoot...
Word 2023-06-02 The Twinkling of an eye

Word 2023-06-02 The Twinkling of an eye

Prophetic Word received on 2023-06-02 around 5:00pm Note: This prophecy is given on my journey while on my journey with the boat. While anchoring I was reading the book of Mark of the AENT version and there in chapter 15 when I received the word For this word, ask...