Word 2024/06/12 Hitler, yesterday and today

Word 2024/06/12 Hitler, yesterday and today

Prophetic Word 2024-06-12 Hitler, yesterday and today Note: in this video I have a word that took quite a while to write it down because I was definitely not pleased to hear about this guy and additionally some people might think or say, oh, this is just made up stuff...
Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 2024/01 What about 2024

Message 01 Year 2024 (Month 01) I might be a bit late… or maybe not… my first message on the Secular or Gregorian Year 2024. Amazing how quickly 2023 have rushed by, may you agree with that, but at least for me (mostly). And my perspective for 2024? READ...
Message 2023/12 The final countdown

Message 2023/12 The final countdown

The final countdown, Message 2023/12 (in warpspeed) Today I want to share some thoughts about the Gregorian year 2023 as it is coming slowly/quickly to the end First of all it is incredible how fast this year has passed by. A lot of things happened. READ MORE Most...
Message 2023/03 Stalingrad 2.0 + Nuremberg 2.0

Message 2023/03 Stalingrad 2.0 + Nuremberg 2.0

Message 03 in the year 2023 about the mystery of history and the implication of Stalingrad and Nuremberg. Note: What I say here is not prophetic yet mainly my personal opinion, my own thoughts, except the bible verses. Only time will tell if prophetic elements are...
Word 2022-09-03 Creator, Church and Nations

Word 2022-09-03 Creator, Church and Nations

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-09-03 around 1:00am at night Note: – It came in a very unusual way as I could not sleep for hours and wondering what is going on until this word arrived – Please ask the Holy Spirit to unpack for you the metaphorical, symbolic...