Message 01 Year 2024 (Month 01)
I might be a bit late… or maybe not… my first message on the Secular or Gregorian Year 2024.
Amazing how quickly 2023 have rushed by, may you agree with that, but at least for me (mostly).
And my perspective for 2024?
Well, I have not heard any news the last few weeks as I have been traveling again.
And when I say traveling I mean my traveling as always is relatively slow, though I’m not flying.
However strange enough that I left a smart city last year and now I am in another smart city.
Wondering how many cities have been converted into smart the last year.
During the lockdowns surely many countries took the opportunities to integrate tons of 5G and surveillance into the infrastructure.
Since I used to live on a road near the largest internet provider of the country, and there near the main offices, where they have their main service flotilla, I could see them working like crazy – especially during the lockdowns, how they were driving in and out all day long, basically 24/7.
May they think people don’t see, but I saw, because I have windows on the building…
And this definitely not only because how they claimed, that people supposedly started all to work from home.
Let a plumber work from home.
If the major of the town or the president of the country would have called me to fix the cloak of the toilet with overflowing brownies I would have told them I will fix it online, please hold on until I have the appropriate software running to fix it. With a leaking roof I would say, just put on your VR glasses and everything will be fine; you will see sunshine, beaches and…(I spare out the other things you see at the beach).
Well, at least for me to stay in this smarty city will be only temporarily for a week or so.
Then I will be away and come back for a day or two and then again traveling .
Anyway, I hope nothing bad comes within the next 3 or 4 months that I will be able to travel to my possibly final destination on earth, or there might be one or two short stopovers on that way, don’t know yet.
Not always easy if you have to depend on other than your own transportation (on land the boat is not very efficient).
As without news, I assume that the prophesied Trump prophecies that he will be back in the White house before 2024 have not been fulfilled.
Correct me if I am wrong, because I had no way to check any news for a while and no interest to watch it as the work for Yeshuas Kingdom is more important than to stare at politricks hogwash.
However, 2024 will be definitely become very interesting I think.
Okay, the imminent collapse of the Dollar have not yet occurred – though it is imminent as much as I heard already since 20 years – or more – may those speculators find wording to describe a more scary imminent scenario.
And yes, the other imminent thing…
So either I missed the rapture or all the rapture prophecies for 2023 simply failed.
At least I was not aware or seen people flying up, or not in the right country – maybe because I stayed in a moo-slim country the last 5 months, could be that there are only so very few flying in the rapture that no-one can take notice.
If you have seen the rapture the last year somewhere throughout 2023, let me know in the comment section.
If not… then some people have been wrong.
Yes, it will be soon and I don’t see we have decades more to go, but I don’t set any dates.
However, I am sure there will be many opportunities somewhere within 2024, at least according to a number of Online Profits.
These are the profits with the the letters ″f″, ″i″ and ″t″ which are certainly the majority.
Very likely less are the true prophets with the letters ″p″,″h″ and ″e″ before the ″t-s″.
The other thing I don’t want to claim it to be prophetic, but I think the Gaza thing will come to an end within a couple of months, or even weeks, except if Netanyahu figures out that people still protest too much against him and he simply tries to safe his butt (as like almost all people in high political position do, as they are so power hungry).
Maybe he might open another playground in the north against Hezbollah or whatever, just to stay in power.
Anyway, the speed how Gaza is getting flattened more and more, I can’t see there will be anything left by the end of 2024 – so this will surely come to an end.
And then they might open the drawers to pull out the idea for a channel from the red sea to the Mediterranean as a competition to the Suez that will accidentally just end at the north of Gaza.
Or eventually right in time when that project is finished the Suez canal will have a surprising massive ″earthquake″ so they can say, how glad we did this project for the world trade. Don’t forget to tap on someone’s shoulder… to applaud that the world trade did not break down.
But as such a massive project takes surely several years, it will surely not get done within 2024, if ever.
Well, but as we know from history, we may see another enemy, created out of thin air (like fake paper money) to keep the population in fear – maybe aliens this time.
On the other side, I am wondering anyway, what’s in the playbook for Ukraine.
If Germany keeps on pumping billions of Euros into it, there is great hope that the economy of Germany will completely collapse, which could crush the Evil Union.
That will be a great thing – honestly, and I am saying this as a citizen of the EU.
The so-called freedom of traveling or where you can stay or work for example is just a joke.
I have personal experiences with that bureaucracy and how difficult or no different it is to any other country somewhere else.
Yes, some stuff became easier, but other things have been much easier before the EU was born – all in all no benefit at the end except more taxes and regulations – that’s it.
Something else for this year:
May you heard speculations about the Antichrist coming on stage (this year 2024) .
Some suppose to claim they know who he is.
Well, I would simply say, time will tell.
I have my guess about him, but keep it personally because I can be wrong.
And it doesn’t matter anyway (who he is).
Those with eyes to see will know when he comes.
Don’t argue about pre, mid or end-trib rapture, but I definitely don’t want to see ″this face″ for a long time – so the more pre the better.
There are certain very wicked individuals in this world – and scripture says many Antichrists are already in this world.
This is what I can’t understand how people can listen or watch such videos, seeing people who are evil to the core, and this for hours .
The headlines are bad enough, and there I can see sometimes how many thousands or even millions of views those videos have, I think, how insane…
Certain faces and voices I just don’t want to see because the only thing they transmit is pure evil.
It defiles my soul and my spirit is grieving.
Not only what they speak but even their appearance or body language.
I stopped watching them, though I can’t completely avoid it, or have to see the pictures of these guys.
But the Holy Spirit guided my eyes away from them – and the Lord let me know their plans.
I don’t need to listen to what they say and plan, because they already openly say what evil they want to do – they don’t hide their evil agenda anymore, though their wording is often coded.
So, what’s up for 2024 personally for me and on this channel?
Of course I will continue to post words when Yeshua speaks to me.
Though it might be simplified or with less personal commentaries, and generally simplify a lot of things in that regard.
The monthly messages of course, either one or two or more… will continue, whatever Adonai puts on my heart.
Beside that I hope to finish the book I am currently writing.
How I will publish it I don’t know yet.
I don’t want to join Amazon, though the print on demand is a nice idea, but I don’t want to support such a system, period.
And the book actually includes also 45 songs where most of them still need to be recorded – how that will be accomplished I don’t know yet, because I don’t have any appropriate equipment anymore.
I have an old dinosaur laptop, not really able to do great recordings at least not advanced ones and being without speakers I only can use headphones to do that.
May I find a 100 year old cheap grand piano and record everything live, though this is definitely not an easy task – not at all.
At least a dear brother is a piano technician who will tune it for me – 432Hz of course.
I have requests for 3 renovation projects in 3 different countries, where at least one of them I may have to skip – except if two of them can be done quickly.
Though I don’t work for money I am sure Adonai is faithful as it is written that the laborer is worthy the wages.
And I trust Adonai that He will provide.
He brought me into this place here, which is a real miracle that can be explained a lot in details how I ended up here. 5 Minutes later and the door would have been closed.
This found so often how the Lord works on the last minute, which is not always easy.
What else 2024 outside of my little personal bubble?
As much I know the EU has elections this year.
But this is anyway a bigger joke than the American Clown show.
The people that make the decisions often behind closed doors in the EU can’t be voted and the ones where the citizen can elect have nothing to say.
Make your own research about this and you will understand the lunacy. (lEUnacy)
I am wondering how the elections in the US will turn out – or may it turns upside down.
The same clown continue I think will cause civil war.
Would not be surprised if something big will orchestrated to be able to rig and steal again the elections or even to bypass it.
Who knows if the globalists come up with another fake virus?
Or will the spray deadly poison in the air and claim it as a disease or virus or an alien attack?
One thing is sure, the lamestream propagandists will not get tired to feed the population with lies – that’s all they have learned and can do.
As the devil is the father of all lies, so his servants do his bidding.
I heard about the crossing solar eclipse if I am right that will occur in the US somewhere in summer this year.
Many prophetic speculations on that already.
But so has it been in 2014 and 2015 with the lunar eclipses in a row during the Jewish holidays and what happened?
Nothing specific I would say that pointed to this natural event, nothing spectacular with these dark amber moons.
Oh and by the way:
Will Trump be (re) elected, or will he be able even to run?
I don’t know, time will tell…
Bot now the most important things:
I pray in all this the light of Yeshua will shine and bring many to repentance.
The darker the darkness the brighter the light.
I continue to pray that the master of the harvest will send more laborers into the harvest.
I pray there will be an army of people like Spurgeon, Wigglesworth, Smith, Reinhard Bonnke and similar rising up, or including people like fishermen Shimon Kaypha, Yochanan, Yaacov translated to Peter, John and James, all in the power of the Holy Spirit, preaching the Kingdom of Elohim to the ends of the earth that the end of the earth can come.
I pray that especially young men and women will go out, fearless engulfed in a holy fire declaring the word of Elohim in truth (in spirit and in truth) and not like modern rubbish translations of the bible.
Hope they will recognize that the modern translations is good for fire up the fire place but the wording has often nothing to do with the bible, the word of Elohim.
I pray that the righteous will shine in the glory of Yeshua and be guarded under the shelter of the most high.
And finally for 2024… as always.
Do not get or be deceived – or whatever the correct form is in English. (get, be…?)
Either way, don’t be deceived.
And if the rapture comes in 2024. HalleluYah, I will definitely rejoice.
If it happens while the book, the renovations, nor the music are yet finished…who cares…
Once we’re outta here everything in this world doesn’t matter anymore.
The world and everything in it will pass away but the word of Elohim will remain forever.
Now, regardless whether we still accomplish a lot of things or we fly home together or some might be taken out in a different way.
Make sure, your name is written in the lambs book of life, this is what matters, the rest doesn’t matter.
And if you have not invited Yeshua into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, don’t wait, today is the day to be signed into the book of life, in heaven – repent before it’s too late, we don’t know what tomorrow brings – we know little what this year 2024 will bring – personally in depth.
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