Word 2021-12-25 AI knowledge and cyber plans

Prophetic Word, December 25th 2021 14:30 – while sitting in the sun, enjoying Shabat Note: please pay close attention to the conversation, because part of it is like the thoughts of evil men and what they are planning to do. There is an empty field, yet all...

Word 2021-12-22 The book that counts, weapons & games

Prophetic Word, received on December 22nd 2021 around 8:45pm after my personal worship in prayer. There are books, books all over. Millions, Millions and millions upon millions of books… But there is only one book that counts. One single book at the end where...

Word 2021-12-19 Days of Biden numbered, no weight

Prophetic Word, December 19th 2021 around 23:20 Biden, your days are numbered. I weighed Belshazzar and he was found to be too light, but you Joe don’t have any weight at all. Though you are not the one who you are but public recognize you as someone. For Me you...

Word 2021-12-17 Flying & the Fear of YHWH

Prophetic word, received on December the 17th 2021, about quarter past 8 in the evening during Worship on Erev Shabat. Flying… …is flying Who is flying? Many will be flying! Some will be flying out of their offices. Some will fly to joy, others to sorrow....

Word 2021-12-14 Let My People go!

This prophetic word is somehow more a kind of a conversation or arguing between me and the Lord on December 14th 2021 around 4:30pm I was in the kitchen, guess my stomach lead me to get a little snack. As I was there, figuring out what to throw into my throat, into my...