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Message 2024/23 (Month 12) Bye bye 2024

Message 23 Year 2024 (Month 12) Bye bye 2024

…the year 2024 just started a few minutes ago, and in a few seconds it will end… AmaZing.
Time is rushing by, it’s actually hard to keep with.

A lot of things happened this secular year, but I will not talk too much about that, just pick a few things (could talk hours on that).
Bye bye 2024


We all know how the election in the US turned out.
Many prophecies 4 years ago claimed Trump will return back as president BEFORE the 2024 election… or much sooner actually.
But he is not yet inaugurated, but he already collects his team together – as much as I heard.
I don’t know how far he is already, but I am sure, everything will turn out according to the script.
Nevertheless, I am wondering if any of these political prophets have apologized for not being accurate?
(Claiming it…) before the election is not the same as being back via the election, which is anyway rather selection.
Anyway, for me it’s just a show for distraction.

The second thing I want to mention is the fall of Assad in Syria. I only received the info from a brother, and by now I see here and there some headlines, but never looked really into it, when exactly and what happened and how it happened, but it might just be the time, that it should be.
Now all the media monkeys possibly cheer that another supposed tyrannic dictator is gone.
So glad now there is a lot of space for terrorist groups and some whatever sinister installations by the CIA, Mossad and other 2 or 3 letter entities, to take over that country.
My question is; Was Assad so evil that he let Christians and Muslims and other religions live together in relative peace, and was that the reason why 2011 he was on the target to be removed and Syria invaded ?
Or…. is it truly only all about money?
Oil, gas, drugs and children’s blood are usually a good start for the puppet players, maybe something else?

Nevertheless, from the beginning I didn’t trusted the western propaganda machinery and today as yesterday it’s best not to believe a single word they shout out of their synchronized mouth.
Well, before 2011 I think there was no central bank in Syria, and during all the time until now as long they couldn’t remove completely or wanted to remove Assad perhaps a bit restricted because of him, and can now freely operate – whatever they have in their evil minds.
And as Syria plays anyway a big role in the biblical endgame in my view it had to come, since the Mark of the Beast also requires also some kind of a centralized banking system or bank system – So, Iran might be on the target very soon, the next to go down.

Anyway, now it might be time for Damascus to become a heap of rubble.
When the next real terror revolution about to be launched, it might give a great possibility.
I pray for the Syrian people those who are basically in a sandwich of the big players that many come to know Yeshua as their Lord and savior, because the main players never care for the ordinary people.
Wondering if this is now like the first step of Isaiah 17:1 (as mentioned, a aheap of rubble), to be finally fulfilled, and perhaps soon come to pass, where I believe, as soon we see this happen, we can start to count.
When we see Damascus looks like Gaza City – or Hiroshima, Nagasaki… then I think its time to dress ourselves in righteousness not be be swallowed up by deception, ready for Yeshuas return.

The other thing, I have seen headlines, people claiming world war 3 will be within so and so many days, hours, or at least before Christmas 2024.
There are always these supposed ″insiders″ or ″experts″, who know exactly when what will happen. Yes, sometimes they are accidentally correct – or roughly correct, but most times they are simply wrong. And more, because they usually don’t count the prayers of the saints into account where things can shift and change or postponed – and in terms of World war three or another plandemic or 5G attack, whatever you name it, I pray it will not be, not yet, period!

Actually, technically word war 3 is not correct, because world war 2 has not ended since there is no peace contract/ peace treaty with all the involved nations. And the verbal agreement does count as much as the promise that NATO will not expand towards the east (so you can make your own ideas about that). But okay, that might be a bit cherry picking or hair splitting, so let’s simply name Word War 3 or red horse, red elephant, blue helmet or blue donkey, or whatever, the fall of the revived Roman empire.
And anyway we are already in a war, and since 2020 it’s so crystal clear, whatever we might name it.
So, Gog and Magog and Armageddon is still waiting in the pipeline, whenever it will be, and somewhere, whenever the great tribulation with the wrath of Adonai could also be labeled as war.
Yeshua anyway spoke about wars and rumors of war – and we don’t need to look far to recognize all the increasing madness on every corner.

Good great America also is not yet attacked as some claim it, or nuked by supposedly evil Russia.
Did I say good America and evil Russia?
Well, Yeshua defines who is good and who is evil…and… actually said, there not none good, not one. And definitely not the ones who yell the loudest in radio and TV into our ears – if you have one ( I don’t have a radio, nor a TV).
Not many righteous He found in Noachs days and in Sodom and Gomorrah, and as we are in these days, how many will he find, when He return? Will He find faith?
Actually I also see America being one day being devastated, and then the focus can go back to the biblical view where it came from into the middle east, where the real last days of Revelation can be seen or will be seen.

But I think that’s enough with politics now in 2024. Yes, there was more, much more, but I don’t want to waste so much time in the Punch and Judy show (already too much) .
There are so many political prophets and profits out there, that’s not what I have been called.
More important is repentance and to bring souls into the kingdom of Elohim.

And… before I forget it actually; the rapture also didn’t happen, not yet… or at least, if you heard something, let me know…
okay, if you are raptured, then… sorry, you might not be able, possibly no line, no online connection from Heaven down, sorry for that!
B ut only a very little time left til the counter jumps to 2025.
But about that coming year I will make a separate message, hopefully also not too long.

But 2024, how did it turn out for you?
Usually at the beginning of any secular year the majority of the western population making plans of what they want to achieve with whatever intentions, good intentions or “other” intentions.
You can go with any calendar, but just let it be Mister Gregory, where the computers usually are lined up to.
So in that regard… just asking: have you made progress or completely achieved the goals you set – if any?

Proverbs 16:9 says:
The heart of man plans his course, but Adonai directs his steps.
Maybe you experienced this occasionally.
I am definitely at a place that I never thought I will end up.
But in terms of work, at the beginning of the year I had no clue how it will turn out, but it was definitely better than expected, though some things were a bit exhausting, and still are.
Anyway, I am working in the gifts and talents Adonai has given me and with that I hope to be a good testimony for Yeshua – I am not an evangelist, preacher or teacher, nor a shepherd, but I will not act like the lazy servant, so I give my testimony with the work of my hands.
And the stuff I do online, I don’t like it so much, I wish the Lord would say “stop it”…
-but He always urge me to do this stuff.

But all in all, what I hope and pray the most important goal is to have more closeness with Yeshua.
At least this is my long term goal or eternal goal every year, every day, every hour, and hope it will be yours also.
Because at the end of our days, we all stand before Adonai empty handed and have to give account of what we did and didn’t do.
I don’t want to stand before Him and hearing the words: ″I never knew you″
So it’s good to make sure Yeshua knows me and has signed my name in the book of life and I pray your name will also be signed into the book of life.

End of message.

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