Word 2023/12/29 When you stand before Yeshua

Word 2023/12/29 When you stand before Yeshua

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-12-29 around 4:00pm Note: Another country, another couch – or some sort of… In a few days I will be again in another place, whether with or without a couch I don’t know yet. But since I have a bit time now in 2023 I pre-record...
Word/ Poetry 2023/11/16  Ze Virus and The Darkness

Word/ Poetry 2023/11/16 Ze Virus and The Darkness

Prophetic Poetry, given on 2023-11-16 around 7:30am Note: Before you read of listen, ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding. As this is in a poetic form, the more so, because it contains a lot of metaphors and symbolism and sometimes even a double layer of...
Word 2022-12-13 The battle is raging

Word 2022-12-13 The battle is raging

Prophetic Word, given 2022-12-13 4:50am Note: Keep in mind, the word speaks first of all about the battle in the realm that is invisible for human eyes and only secondary of a battle in the physical. With prayer and the guidance of the Holy spirit you may get the...

Message: “HELL… is a real place”

Message: “HELL… is a real place” I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Even in every day language. “Oh, that was really hell !” or, “She went through hell with him.” When anyone goes through a difficult, dangerous or...
Word 2022-01-25 Glory to come, Prophets like EliYahu

Word 2022-01-25 Glory to come, Prophets like EliYahu

Prophetic Word received on January the 25th around 5:30 in the morning Note: Read prayerfully line by line and let the Holy Spirit speak to you, to give you a deeper understanding of this word When Glory comes, what are you going to do? Will you sit on your couch or...