Message 2024/04 And again… D.J.Trump

Message 2024/04 And again… D.J.Trump

Message 2024/04 Month 02 Beginning of ″message″. Note: This is not a prophetic word! And though I labeled it as a message, it’s even not really a message (don’t have a specific category for that). It’s more like some thoughts that came to me –...
Word 2022-09-03 Creator, Church and Nations

Word 2022-09-03 Creator, Church and Nations

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-09-03 around 1:00am at night Note: – It came in a very unusual way as I could not sleep for hours and wondering what is going on until this word arrived – Please ask the Holy Spirit to unpack for you the metaphorical, symbolic...
Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Prophetic word, given March 26. around 8:00 in the morning, after a time in prayer. Note: Because of all the symbolic stuff and the metaphors in this prophecy, make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper understanding into this word. And … when it says Me,...