Message 2024/04 And again… D.J.Trump

Message 2024/04 And again… D.J.Trump

Message 2024/04 Month 02 Beginning of ″message″. Note: This is not a prophetic word! And though I labeled it as a message, it’s even not really a message (don’t have a specific category for that). It’s more like some thoughts that came to me –...
Word 2022-09-03 Creator, Church and Nations

Word 2022-09-03 Creator, Church and Nations

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-09-03 around 1:00am at night Note: – It came in a very unusual way as I could not sleep for hours and wondering what is going on until this word arrived – Please ask the Holy Spirit to unpack for you the metaphorical, symbolic...
Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Word 2022-03-26 good & evil, Germany, Australia, repent

Prophetic word, given March 26. around 8:00 in the morning, after a time in prayer. Note: Because of all the symbolic stuff and the metaphors in this prophecy, make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper understanding into this word. And … when it says Me,...

Word 2021-12-19 Days of Biden numbered, no weight

Prophetic Word, December 19th 2021 around 23:20 Biden, your days are numbered. I weighed Belshazzar and he was found to be too light, but you Joe don’t have any weight at all. Though you are not the one who you are but public recognize you as someone. For Me you...