Word 2022-08-23  Sun, moon and flipping of tables

Word 2022-08-23 Sun, moon and flipping of tables

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-08-23 around 9pm Note: As this word is again very metaphoric and cryptic, make sure to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy. Beginning of Prophecy The sun is shining. She smiles in the sky. But not much longer....
Word 2022-08-19 Little Girls, seduction and addiction

Word 2022-08-19 Little Girls, seduction and addiction

Prophetic Word 2022-08-19, given, maybe around 18:00 on the bicycle cycling back home from the ocean. It came around an area near a certain car wash and when continue riding along, passing the cemetery Note: It speaks a lot in a metaphorical language or somehow coded,...
Word 2022-06-20 Can you see the wind?

Word 2022-06-20 Can you see the wind?

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-06-20 22:10 (during prayer) Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to give you the fullness of the understanding. Beginning of Prophecy: Do you see the wind? Can you see the wind? No? Why don’t you not open your eyes? Science say you...
Word 2022-05-07 Time is running out

Word 2022-05-07 Time is running out

Prophetic word, given on May the 7th 2022 around 6:30pm Note: Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the understanding in the metaphorical elements in this prophecy and get wisdom to find the place where the Lord wants you to be and what your part will be in these last hours...