Prophetic Word, given on 2022-08-23 around 9pm
As this word is again very metaphoric and cryptic, make sure to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you
through this prophecy.
Beginning of Prophecy
The sun is shining.
She smiles in the sky.
But not much longer.
Bitter tears in her eyes, no more smile, the brightness fades away.
How can anyone be happy when the eyes have to watch all the disgusting sins that is being committed
all over the face of the earth?
There is no corner, no field or forest, no mountain or valley where sin have not conquered and occupied.
At night, the moon has to deal with an advanced and more horrific view.
That is the time when bats, cockroaches and many other creepy creatures coming out of their bunkers.
They think they can hide from the light, but even the lesser light of the moon is enough to smell all the rats.
In red light they laugh at the blue light while their companions dancing in rainbow colors without limits.
The day is close when the sun is not able to watch it any longer and then will cover her face.
By that time the moon will receive his color from the sacrifices of children and all the prophets.
Deep dark red as the lava of a volcano.
The eruption of sin is still increasing.
But the day, when I will take home My bride and the restrainer, volcanoes will spill not only magma and ashes, but hell’s fire as never seen before.
It will be poured out as like from buckets.
Oh men, if you would only repent in sackcloth and ashes, the earth would rejoice with the angels to sing
and the sun (son) would give the righteous light.
A light that is pleasing for a blessing instead a curse with scorching heat you plead for.
Year after year I have sent My prophets.
Thousands of years passed by, one after the other prophets came, and you, oh wicked people have killed them all.
Only the false prophets you did not do any harm.
No, even worse, you supported them in every possible way.
Their words of prosperity and blessings you always love to hear day in, day out.
Yet the words of warnings to turn from your crooked ways and walk on the path of righteousness you don’t like until this very day.
In lawlessness the world is drunk and almost all people enjoy to dance with her.
The days of the harlot is numbered and her fall is in distance of a mans arm’s length.
Get out of her as long it is possible that you will not be consumed with her.
All people have been warned before the mouth of the earth opened for the sons of Korach and swallowed them up.
The trumpet sound will be the warning, when it’s time.
Listen carefully and don’t neglect My loving warning.
I have given you time and times to repent.
If you still refuse to turn from your wicked ways, I will close the door to the ark in one day, and you will stand before Me and hear My final word.
If you think you can constantly go against Me and My anointed, good luck.
A fool are you if you believe it will work out into any good for yourself.
You won’t be able to stand when your knees will melt like wax as the mountains by My word.
So you will bow down and know that I Am.
Too late, too late I will say.
You had your time to turn but you decided to follow the beast and kissed his image.
Every day you spent hours with him instead be grateful
that I granted you so much time and come to Me.
I hesitate to flip the tables because it will show all the filth that is done and still going on underneath.
It’s so disgusting that is beyond imagination for most human brains.
Yet it is reality, and not Hollywood.
Most people will not be able to bear it, unless I prepare them more, with more darkness to be revealed.
Then… I can flip the tables in an instant.
Those who are ready and know Me already know what will come and be seen.
All the ones who are still dreaming of a pink pillow world will be in a devastating shock.
Most of My disciples could not comprehend when I told them that not one stone of the temple in Jerusalem will be left upon another.
Those who did see the destruction of the temple were witnesses with the proof that My word is true.
And My word was, is and will remain true because I am The Truth and I can’t lie.
Yes, and I am The Way and The life forever and ever.
End of prophecy
Joel 3:4, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12
Isaiah 60:2
Esther 4…, Jonah 3
Revelation 16:8-9
Nehemiah 9:26, Luke 11:46-52, Acts 7:51-53
2 Timothy 4:3, Jeremiah 5:31, 27:15, Ezekiel 13:1-12, Lamentations 2:14, 1 John 4:1
Revelation 18
Numbers 16
Micah 1:4, Psalm 97:5
Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10
Mark 13:1-2, Luke 21:5-6
John 14:6
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