Message 09/2022 Yom Truah/ Rosh HaShanah Most people focus only on Rosh HaShanah but forget Yom Truah (also transscribed as Yom T'ruah or Yom Teruah). The funny thing is, that Rosh HaShanah is not a scriptural feast, or in other words: it does not exist in scripture!...
Message June 2022 – Shavuot 5782/ Pentecost 2022
Message June 2022 with a dream included (the Preacher and the King Cobra) Shavuot What is Shavuot some may ask Well, the term Shavuot is not very common or, to most people in churchianity possibly more or less or even complete unknown. It is the feast that is at the...
Message May 2022 – The real BIG Fools
Message May 2022 It is written... about... the real BIG Fools In this message Bindernowski speaks about the real BIG BIG fools of this world. People who truly think they are better than the God of the Bible If you think like me, that is not according to the...
The last 5 Minutes
A bit a delayed message about "The last 5 minutes of this world" Was planned to post it a week earlier in April 2022 Imagine we would know that we have 5 minutes left until this world will fall apart (at least in the way we know it) What will the people do? This is...
Pessach 5782, Passover 2022 (Message April)
Pessach 5782, Passover 2022 (Message April) so quickly time has passed by - again another Pessach Let me go back to the year 2020 Guess everyone remember the big farce after the election fraud, when a dement clown entered the white house and still is there – or...
The Double Shofar
What is a "Double Shofar"? It's not a prophecy nor a dream, not a song, nor really a message, yet it contains somehow a bit of everything. Have you ever seen someone blowing 2 shofar at the same time? I present here a scene that I had once in a dream where I never...
Message March 2022 It’s war – (with song)
Message March 2022 about war - as there is literal the (current) war in Ukraine, when actually there was never a time without a war, yet this time it is just in the focus of the Mainstream liars. And surprisingly now also all Christians suddenly seem to wake up. I am...
Message February 2022 All the Bubbles
Message February 2022 about the "mystical" (Covid 19) pin that was created to blow all bubbles What is it? Economy, Transport, Finance (Casino Market), Faith/ Church, Society/ Family, Education, Rapture and final end ...
Message: “HELL… is a real place”
Message: "HELL... is a real place" I'm sure you've heard of it. Even in every day language. "Oh, that was really hell !" or, "She went through hell with him." When anyone goes through a difficult, dangerous or painful situation - emotional, physical- or both, "Hell"...
Message Police-Gestapo // and about Healing
This is a message, I actually wanted to post on Jan. the first 2022, but apparently for a certain reason it got delayed. One section points to all the Police with a question why they destroy their own and their childrens future. The second section is more about health...