Message 2024/10 WHO enjoys Politricks?!

Message 2024/10 WHO enjoys Politricks?!

Message 10 Year 2024 (Month 04) This message does not include any text. Please watch the short video below. If you aware of body language, you know it often says more than thousand words. Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you...
Word 2023-08-29 The calm before the storm – REPENT!

Word 2023-08-29 The calm before the storm – REPENT!

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-08-29 21:30 Note: As I was writing the word I fell asleep (not the first time), but the pen woke me up A bit uncomfortable to sleep on the pen. This time I did not made a note when this happened, not to distract too much. It is a relative...
Word 2022-05-13 WHO is Pharaoh

Word 2022-05-13 WHO is Pharaoh

Prophetic word received on May 13. 2022 in the afternoon, maybe around 4pm Note: A lot of this word was given in a visual way, so the grammar can be even worse than usual. Anyway, as always please ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding and interpretation,...
Word 2022-01-29 WHO ? And 5-fold ministry

Word 2022-01-29 WHO ? And 5-fold ministry

Prophetic Word, given on January 29th 2022 around 11am during prayer Note: Be aware with the wordplay in this prophecy as it has a double layer with hidden meanings. And as always ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word. WHO do you think you are?-...
Word 2022-01-16 The truth of truth and lies

Word 2022-01-16 The truth of truth and lies

Prophetic Word, received on January the 16th 2022 around 10pm Note: With all the metaphors I advice you to listen carefully and let the Holy Spirit give you the wisdom, discernment, understanding and interpretation. Hear the rattle snake when I shake the rattle. It...